Releases: JOML-CI/JOML
Releases · JOML-CI/JOML
1.2.6-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.5-SNAPSHOT release:
- added AngleAxis4f.get(Matrix3f)
- added Matrix3f.rotate[XYZ] overloads with dest parameter
- added lookAlong/setLookAlong to Matrix3f
- added Matrix4f.unproject and .project with vector parameters
- added Matrix4f.reflect/reflection - computes a reflection transformation that reflects about a given arbitrary plane either specified via a general plane equation or via normal and point
- added Vector3x.normalize with dest parameter
1.2.5-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT release:
- added more conversion methods between matrix, quaternion and angle-axis classes
- support for more matrix and quaternion methods taking a 'dest' parameter
- renamed Quaternion.rotateDirToPositiveZ to lookRotate() - this is how Unity names this method and it behaves in the same way
- added Quaternion.rotateTo - rotates a given direction to point along another direction using a shortest arc rotation (this is somewhat the generalization of lookRotate, but without an 'up' vector)
1.2.4-SNAPSHOT release
- added conversion methods between AngleAxis4f, Quaternion, Matrix3f and Matrix4f
- added transform(vector) method for AngleAxis4f
- changed Matrix3d to use degrees consistently for all rotate methods
- added rotation[XYZ] methods to Matrix3f
- added rotate() methods from Matrix4f to Matrix3f
- added Quaternion.rotateDirToPositiveZ() - this will apply a rotation that maps the given 'dir' to the positive z-axis, and thus acts almost like GLU lookAt and the Matrix4.lookAlong() methods, except that those map to the negative z-axis to comply with OpenGL's coordinate system handedness conventions
- renamed QuaternionD.LookAt to .lookAt
- changed Quaternion.div to post-multiply by the inverse of the right-side quaternion - this is also how XNA is doing quaternion math and it is consistent with mul() and all methods in Quaternion and Matrix classes that apply transformations using post-multiplication, which in turn is what OpenGL/GLU does
- also made JOML pass Findbugs static code analysis with default settings
- JavaDocs
1.2.3-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT release:
- fixed Quaternion.invert
- added equals/hashCode to AngleAxis4f and quaternion classes
- added Quaternion.transform(Vector4f) - to transform the vector by the quaternion
- added Vector.mul(Quaternion) - also to transform the vector by the quaternion
- added Quaternion.get(AngleAxis4f) - to convert the quaternion into the corresponding angle-axis representation
- added Quaternion.difference - (computes the difference between two quaternions - geometrically this is the rotation that needs to be applied to the first quaternion in order to get the second quaternion)
1.2.2-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT release:
- added Matrix4f.rotate with a 'dest' parameter
- renamed Quaternion.set(angleaxis) to rotationAxis
- added Quaternion.rotation() which sets a rotation using the given degrees around the base unit axes of the coordinate system (to reflect the Matrix4f class)
- added Quaternion.rotate() which applies (post-multiplies) a rotation to the quaternion using the given degrees around the base unit axes of the coordinate system (to reflect the Matrix4f class)
- added shortcut rotate[XYZ] and rotation[XYZ] methods to Quaternion
1.2.1-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.0 release:
- added Quaternion.set(matrix) allowing to set the quaternion to the rotational part of a matrix
- added Quaternion.transform(vector) to apply the quaternion rotation to a vector
- added Quaternion.nlerp(), which is a non-spherical linear interpolation with non-linear (angular) velocity
- added Quaternion.integrate(), which allows to apply angular velocity to an existing quaternion to build a new rotation
- added Vector2f.lengthSquared() and Vector2f.mul()
- added, .reflect() and .half()
- refactored Quaternion.set*()/.get*() methods to just name .set()/.get()
- JavaDocs
1.2.0 release
Changes compared to the 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT release:
- fixes for quaternion mul (thanks to @FortressBuilder)
- new test suite (thanks to @FortressBuilder)
- added angle(), angleCos() and static negate() to vector classes (thanks to @FortressBuilder)
- improved toString methods (thanks to @FortressBuilder)
- added getRow() and getColumn() methods to matrix classes (thanks to @zmrodriguez91)
- JavaDocs
1.1.7-SNAPSHOT release
Changes compared to the 1.1.6-SNAPSHOT release:
- Fixed Quaternion.conjugate (thanks to FortressBuilder)
- Removed some hardly useful methods
- Make matrix classes more in sync with Matrix4f
- Changed MatrixStack.get to return the MatrixStack instead of the FloatBuffer
- Added toString(NumberFormat) to the matrix classes
- Fixed a few JavaDocs
1.1.6-SNAPSHOT release
Difference to the 1.1.5 release:
- Removed the class name from toString() output
- JavaDocs
- Added project() and unproject() to Matrix4f (known from GLU)
- Fixed bug in Vector3f.sub (thanks to FortressBuilder from the LWJGL forum)
- Added hashCode and equals methods to the vector classes (thanks to zmrodriguez91 for contribution)
1.1.5 release
Changes to the 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT release:
- methods operating on FloatBuffer do not change the buffer position
- Added even more JavaDoc