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Mod Definition File (mod.txt)

James Wilkinson edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 5 revisions

Your mod definition file is what the Payday 2 BLT uses to load your mod. It is a json-formatted text file in your mod directory.
To setup your definition, simply create a text file mod.txt in your mod directory, and setup your required basic details, hooks, persist-scripts, and keybinds.

Base Mod Definition

The base definition for your mod. Contains the basic information of your mod.

name The friendly name of your mod.
description A description of your mod, and what it does.
author You, your collaborators, anybody who worked on the mod.
contact Some form of contact details for your users to contact you from.
version A friendly version number that will displayed in the in-game mod manager.
priority An integer, from 0 to 1000, that determines the order in which mods load. This should only be used for mods which act as dependencies for other mods.
blt_version The version of the BLT that this mod is made for, should be set to 2 as of writing.
image A string to a .png, .tga, or .dds file in the mod folder to be used as the image for this mod.
color A space-separated RGB string for the background color for this mod's tile in the Mod Manager.
dependencies An array of mod manager IDs that this mod will only load if all defined IDs are installed on the local client. This replaces libraries from BLT 1.

	"name" : "An Example Mod",
	"description" : "My example mod which doesn't actually do anything.",
	"author" : "James Wilkinson",
	"contact" : "[email protected]",
	"version" : "1.0",
	"priority" : 10,
	"blt_version" : 2,
	"color" : "0 255 255",
	"dependencies" : [ "goonmod" ]


Previously Post-Require Scripts in PD2Hook.yml
The Payday 2 files to hook and run a specified lua script after. The hooks key is an array of objects.

hooks The array of objects containing a hook_id and a script_path.
hook_id The Payday 2 script file to run the script in script_path after.
script_path The path to your Lua script to run. This is relative to your mod folder.

"hooks" : [
		"hook_id" : "lib/setups/gamesetup",
		"script_path" : "PostGameSetup.lua"
		"hook_id" : "lib/managers/menu/blackmarketgui",
		"script_path" : "BlackMarketGUIStuff.lua"


Previously Pre-Require Scripts in PD2Hook.yml Identical to Hooks, except that these will run before the Payday 2 script defined in hook_id.

pre_hooks The array of objects containing a hook_id and a script_path.
hook_id The Payday 2 script file to run the script in script_path before.
script_path The path to your Lua script to run. This is relative to your mod folder.

"pre_hooks" : [
		"hook_id" : "lib/setups/menusetup",
		"script_path" : "PreSetupMenu.lua"

Persist Scripts

Previous Persist-Scripts in PD2Hook.yml
A script in script_path which is run every frame until the global variable specified in global is set to anything other than false or nil.

persist_scripts The array of objects containing a global and a script_path.
global The global value to associate with script_path.
script_path The script to continuously run until the global variable global is set to a value other than false or nil.

"persist_scripts" : [
		"global" : "MyGlobalValue",
		"script_path" : "TestPersistScript.lua"
		"global" : "NotPocoHud",
		"script_path" : "not_poco/hud.lua"


Previously Keybinds in PD2Hook.yml
A script to run when a key is pressed. These keybinds can be customized in-game, instead of being set to a specific hard-coded key.

keybinds An array containing generic keybind information. Each keybind will be saved and loaded automatically for you.
keybind_id A unique ID for your keybind. Your keybind will be saved and loaded via this ID, so make sure that it relates to your mod so that no other mods can override it.
name The name of the keybind to display in the keybinds menu.
description A short of description of your keybind.
script_path The path to the script that should be ran when the keybind is pressed.
run_in_menu A boolean of whether this keybind should run when pressed during the menu state.
run_in_game A boolean of whether this keybind should run when pressed during the game state.
localized A boolean of if the menu should attempt to use the name and description as localization keys. Use false if you wish to just type a name and description in.

"keybinds" : [
		"keybind_id" : "keybind_example_test",
		"name" : "Test Keybind",
		"description" : "An example keybind for demonstration",
		"script_path" : "test.lua",
		"run_in_menu" : true,
		"run_in_game" : true,
		"localized" : false

Complete Example

	"name" : "An Example Mod",
	"description" : "My example mod which doesn't actually do anything.",
	"author" : "James Wilkinson",
	"contact" : "[email protected]",
	"version" : "1.0",
	"hooks" : [
			"hook_id" : "lib/setups/gamesetup",
			"script_path" : "PostGameSetup.lua"
			"hook_id" : "lib/managers/menu/blackmarketgui",
			"script_path" : "BlackMarketGUIStuff.lua"
	"persist_scripts" : [
			"global" : "MyGlobalValue",
			"script_path" : "TestPersistScript.lua"
	"keybinds" : [
			"keybind_id" : "keybind_example_test",
			"name" : "Test Keybind",
			"description" : "An example keybind for demonstration"
			"script_path" : "test.lua",
			"run_in_menu" : true,
			"run_in_game" : true,
			"localized" : false
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