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James Wilkinson edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 1 revision

_G.CloneClass( class )

Clones all of a class' variables and functions, so that they may be overwritten, whilest maintaining a reference to the original set of variables and functions.
class The class to the cloned into the class.orig table.

CloneClass( MenuManager )

_G.PrintTable( tbl )

Logs all contents of the specified table to the console, and log files.
tbl The table to log all contents of.

local test_table = {
	["hello"] = "test"
PrintTable( test_table )

_G.SaveTable( tbl, file )

Saves all contents of the specified table to the file specified. The file will be created if it doesn't exist, and any existing contents will be overwritten.
tbl The table to save to a file.
file The path and name of the file to save the table contents to, relative to PAYDAY 2 directory.

SaveTable( MenuManager, "menu_manager.txt" )

Vector3.ToString( vec )

Converts a Vector3 to a formatted string.
vec The Vector3 to convert to a string.
returns A formatted string with the information of the input vec.

local vec = Vector3( 50, 0, 10 )

string.ToVector3( str )

Converts the formatted string str into a usable Vector3.
str The formatted string to convert into a Vector3.
returns A Vector3.

local vec_str = "50.000000,25.456841,00.000000"

string.is_nil_or_empty( str )

Checks if the specified string str contains any data.
str The string to check contains any data.
returns A false if str is nil or empty (""), true if it contains any data.

local s = "hello world!"
string.is_nil_or_empty( s )

local s = ""

math.round_with_precision( num, precision )

Rounds a number num to the specified number of decimal places in precision.
num The number to round.
precision The number of decimal places to round num to.

local num = 28.15635846315
num:round_with_precision( 2 )

local num = 12.54135483153
math.round_with_precision( num, 4 )

Utils:GetPlayerAimPos( ply, max_range )

Get the point in the world, as a Vector3, where the player is aiming at.
ply The player to get the aiming position of.
max_range The maximum distance to raycast to check for a point.
returns A Vector3 containing the position that the player was looking at. Returns false if a point could not be found.

GetPlayerAimPos( managers.player:player_unit(), 10000 )

Utils:GetCrosshairRay( from, to, slot_mask )

Gets a ray between two points and checks for a collision with the slot_mask along the ray.
from The starting position of the ray, defaults to the player's head.
to The ending position of the ray, defaults to 1m in from of the player's head.
slot_mask The collision group to check against the ray, defaults to all objects the player can shoot.
returns A table containing the ray information.

local from = managers.player:player_unit():position()
local to = managers.player:player_unit():position() + Vector3( 0, 1000, 0 )
GetCrosshairRay( from, to )

Utils:ToggleItemToBoolean( item )

Takes a toggle menu item, and returns a boolean based on its current state.
item The toggle menu item.
returns A boolean depending on the state of the toggle item. True if the toggle is on, false if off.

MenuCallbackHandler.test_toggle_callback = function( self, item )
	local was_enabled = Utils:ToggleItemToBoolean( item )


Reports if the game is currently in an in-game state, where the player may have direct control over a character at some point, such as the loadout screen, in-heist, victory or loss screens.
returns True if the game is currently in an in-game state, false otherwise.


Reports if the game is currently loading a new level or menu.
returns True if the game is in a loading state, false otherwise.


Reports if the game is in a state where the player is directly controlling a character.
returns True if the game is in a state where the player can directly control a character, false otherwise.


Reports if the local player is 'dead' and in police custody in the in-heist state.
returns True if the local player is in police custody, false otherwise.


Checks if the local player is currently holding their selected primary weapon.
returns True if the local player's equipped weapon is their selected primary.

Utils:IsCurrentPrimaryOfCategory( category )

Checks if the local player's primary weapon is of a specific category of firearm.
Available categories are: assault_rifle, pistol, smg, shotgun, saw, lmg, snp, grenade_launcher, akimbo, minigun, flamethrower
category A string value containing the category to check that the primary is in.
returns True if the primary weapon is in the category, false otherwise.

local is_launcher = Utils:IsCurrentPrimaryOfCategory( "grenade_launcher" )


Checks if the local player is currently holding their selected secondary weapon.
returns True if the local player's equipped weapon is their selected secondary.

Utils:IsCurrentSecondaryOfCategory( category )

Checks if the local player's secondary weapon is of a specific category of firearm.
Available categories are: assault_rifle, pistol, smg, shotgun, saw, lmg, snp, grenade_launcher, akimbo, minigun, flamethrower
category A string value containing the category to check that the secondary is in.
returns True if the secondary weapon is in the category, false otherwise.

local is_smg = Utils:IsCurrentPrimaryOfCategory( "smg" )

Utils:IsCurrentWeapon( category )

Checks if the local player's equipped weapon is of a specific category of firearm.
Available categories are: assault_rifle, pistol, smg, shotgun, saw, lmg, snp, grenade_launcher, akimbo, minigun, flamethrower
category A string value containing the category to check that the currently equipped weapon is in.
returns True if the current equipped weapon is in the category, false otherwise.

local is_rifle = Utils:IsCurrentPrimaryOfCategory( "assault_rifle" )