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Test plan

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Iteration Test Plan is to gather all of the information necessary to plan and control the test effort for a given iteration. It describes the approach to testing the software. This Test Plan for Ceangal Messenger supports the following objectives:

  • Identifies the items that should be targeted by the tests.
  • Identifies the motivation for and ideas behind the test areas to be covered.
  • Outlines the testing approach that will be used.
  • Identifies the required resources and provides an estimate of the test efforts.

1.2 Scope

This test plan will cover tests assuring the functionality of the application's front end, back end and the communication between the two. This document shows the following types of testing:

  • Unit Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • API Testing

Not covered are any tests related to performance and scale or usability.

1.3 Intended Audience

This test plan is written primarily for internal documentation reasons. It is meant to provide orientation to the developers to work from and as a documentation to measure the fullfillment of quality requirements against.

1.4 Document Terminology and Acronyms

Abbr Abbreviation
API Application Programmable Interface
CI Continuous Integration
CD Continuous Delivery/Deployment
N/A not applicable
SRS Software Requirements Specification
TBD to be determined
UI User Interface
VC Version Control
TDD Test Driven Development

1.5 References

Title Publishing organization
Blog Ceangal Team
GitHub Repository Ceangal Team
UC1 Add friend Ceangal Team
UC2 Create text channel Ceangal Team
UC3 Create user profile Ceangal Team
UC4 Delete account Ceangal Team
UC5 Edit text channel Ceangal Team
UC6 Edit user profile Ceangal Team
UC7 Send private message Ceangal Team
UC8 Show friends Ceangal Team
Test Plan Ceangal Team
SRS Ceangal Team
SAD Ceangal Team

1.6 Document Structure


2. Evaluation Mission and Test Motivation

2.1 Background

Testing serves to ensure that the written code does what it is intended to do. It also prevents future code changes to break existing functionality unnoticed. In the context of integration it can also prevent broken software states to be merged into secured VC branches.

2.2 Evaluation Mission

Testing is a crucial phase in the development cycle. It is necessary in order to fix technical bugs and important functional problems. With TDD we define the test first and can fix bugs before they even occur.

2.3 Test Motivators

The tests are done to ensure quality and mitigate risks and fulfill functional requirements. Their purpose is to provide stability for our application.

3. Target Test Items

  • (Electron frontend)
  • Server backend (API)

4. Outline of Planned Tests

4.1 Outline of Test Inclusions

Frontend: Electron Desktop Client:

  • Unit testing

Backend: Spring Boot Application:

  • Unit testing
  • Functional testing
  • Api testing

The tests themself will not be tested and will not account into code coverage.

4.2 Outline of Other Candidates for Potential Inclusion


4.3 Outline of Test Exclusions

Because of time and resource constraints we will not do:

  • Stress test
  • Load/performance tests
  • Usability tests
  • UI tests
  • any further tests

5. Test Approach

5.1 Testing Techniques and Types

5.1.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing ensures, that the tested sourcecode works as expected. Therefore small parts like methods of the sourcecode are tested.

Technique Objective Ensure that the implemented code works as expected
Technique Implement test methods using JUnit and MochaJS
Oracles Test execution logs results to the command line in IDE and GitHub Actions
Required Tools JUnit 5 and MochaJS Dependencies in Frontend and Backend
Success Criteria All tests pass in IDE and GitHub Actions.
Special Considerations -

5.1.2 Functional Testing

Functional testing is to develop test cases to test the behavior of software's functionality.

Technique Objective Ensure that the application behaves correct
Technique Writing Gherkin .feature files with clearly defined steps and the expected result. Written in simple english.
Oracles Test execution logs results to the command line in IDE and GitHub Actions
Required Tools Dependencies of Cucumber and JUnit to execute tests
Success Criteria All cucumber tests pass. All tests pass in IDE and GitHub Actions.
Special Considerations -

5.1.3 API Testing

Api Testing is to test the endpoints of the application. The main goal of Api testing is to ensure, that the provided API of the Backend behave as expected.

Technique Objective Test the endpoints with JUnit (MockMVC)
Technique For every important endpoint of the API an test exists
Oracles Test execution logs results to the command line in IDE and GitHub Actions
Required Tools JUnit
Success Criteria All tests of the endpoints pass. All tests pass in IDE and GitHub Actions.
Special Considerations -

6. Entry and Exit Criteria

6.1 Test Plan

6.1.1 Test Plan Entry Criteria


6.1.2 Test Plan Exit Criteria


7. Deliverables

7.1 Test Evaluation Summaries


7.2 Reporting on Test Coverage


7.3 Perceived Quality Reports


7.4 Incident Logs and Change Requests

Incidents and Change Requests are handled via our project management tool YouTrack.

7.5 Smoke Test Suite and Supporting Test Scripts


8. Testing Workflow

  1. Local testing in the IDE
  2. Commit and Push triggers build and test execution in the CI Pipeline (GitHub Actions)
  3. Each pull request triggers the pipeline again (build and test)

9. Environmental Needs

9.1 Base System Hardware

The following table sets forth the system resources for the test effort presented in this Test Plan.

Resource Quantity Name and Type
CI/CD server 1 GitHub Actions
local test machine 1 computer (Ceangal Team

9.2 Base Software Elements in the Test Environment

The following base software elements are required in the test environment for this Test Plan.

Software Element Name Type and Other Notes
IntelliJ Test Runner / IDE
JUnit 5 Unit testing backend / API testing
Cucumber Functional testing
MochaJS Unit testing frontend

9.3 Productivity and Support Tools

The following tools will be employed to support the test process for this Test Plan.

Tool Category or Type Tool Brand Name
Repository GitHub
CI/CD Service GitHub Actions

10. Responsibilities, Staffing, and Training Needs

10.1 People and Roles

Role Person Assigned Specific Responsibilities or Comments
Test Manager Fabian Provides management oversight.
Test Designer Fabian,Lennart,David,Lorenz Defines the technical approach to the implementation of the test effort.
Test System Administrator Fabian,Lennart Ensures test environment and assets are managed and maintained.

10.2 Staffing and Training Needs


11. Iteration Milestones

We want to keep over 25% code coverage.

12. Risks, Dependencies, Assumptions, and Constraints


13. Management Process and Procedures
