OutpostHD v0.8.2
[0.8.2] - 2021-03-24
Introduces communcations range overlays, additional GUI quality of life improvements and a number of bug fixes that correct some subtle behavior issues.
- Tile highlight overlays for communication ranges
- Tile highlight overlays for truck routes
- Robot Inspector Window -- allows for changing robot orders and issuing robot self destruct
- FileIO Window now has a 'delete' button so save games can be deleted from within the game
- Change order of food counting and population update so that landing cargo/colonist landers at the same time doesn't result in an immediate game over
- Planet attribute and definitions moved out of the code and into external XML definition in the data files
- Air shaft now behaves as a four-directional tube
- Recycling Center now shows more information in the Structure Inspector window
- Fixed some computations in the population simulation that caused subtle behavior issues
- Fixed typos in some string literals
- Robots and structures can now be placed at the edges of the diamond map view
- Tile Inspector window can now be opened when right-clicking a tile on the edge
- Fix savegame issue where game breaks when loading a savegame saved on turn 0 before the seed lander is placed