This repository implements the HIRO algorithm for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning on the original AntMaze environment as presented by Ofir Nachum (Data-Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, 2018)
- gym==0.16.0
- mujoco-py==
- tensorflow==2.0
- wandb==0.8.29
- omegaconf==1.4.1
- numpy==1.18.1
$ python3 ant_config
This loads the settings in the experiments/ant_config.yaml which trains the agent for 1.5 millions steps. Every 20000 timesteps, 10 evaluative episodes are played where exploratory noise is turned off. The performance of the agent is recorded and the model parameters are saved. Run:
$ python3 ant_render
to then load that model and render the environment. I use OmegaConf to load different configurations. The default settings are kept in configs/ant_default while configs for specific experiments are saved in experiments/. I use the wandb framework to save and analyse data from different runs.