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zMCdarc edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

Steps to create a quest:


Open the Global -> Quests
You start with creating a category by pressing add
Fill in a name and press Save
Double click the category to go into it
Here you can add quests to the category by pressing add
A dialog has Quest Text(which is shown in the quest log) and Completion text (which is shown when you complete a quest)
Currently quests have 2 types, Item quests and Dialog quests
You have to specify who completes the quest in the Completer Npc field.
After you have done all that you can go to your dialog and link the quest to it.
If somebody reads the dialog the quest starts automagically
  • 打开 全局设置 -> 任务
  • 点击添加创建一个类别
  • 填上类别名并点击任意地方保存
  • 双击类别名(我实测是单击旁边的任务按钮)
  • 现在你可以添加任务进入类别了
  • 一个对话框需要填任务文本(显示在任务日志)和完成文本(当你完成任务时显示)
  • 任务类型: 物品收集任务 对话框任务 定点任务 定点击杀任务 击杀任务
  • 你必须指定一个交付任务的NPC
  • 现在你可以去对话选项并将对话链接到你的任务了
  • 如果某人读了你指定的对话就会自动开始任务

Item quest


To complete this quest the players needs to have the items in his inventory

  • 就是需要收集物品并放在背包里然后交给NPC

Dialog quest


To complete this quest the player needs  to have read the given dialogs
These dialogs can be read before accepting the quest
  • 要完成任务玩家需要阅读对话
  • 可以在接受任务前阅读对话

Location quest


You can give up 3 names
These names need to be the same names as the location blocks you’ve put down
When the player comes near these while he has the quest, it will mark it as found
It the player has been near the blocks before he still needs to revisit them with the quest.
  • 你可以填写三个定点方块名
  • 这个名称需要你放置定点方块并写入名称
  • 玩家接受任务并接近地点时, 将会标记地点已找到
  • 如果玩家在接受任务之前就接近过了定点方块, 他依旧需要再去一趟

Kill quest


You can select one of the entities or fill in an npc/player name
The quest will complete after the player kills the given names/entities
  • 你可以选择一个实体或者填上NPC / 玩家名称
  • 当玩家击杀指定实体后任务将会完成

AreaKill quest

The same as the Kill quest
Only difference when an npc gets killed everyone near it get the kill in their quest log. Not just the one killing it.
  • 这跟击杀任务一样
  • 唯一的不同就是要玩家到定点方块旁边击杀目标
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