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Releases: USGS-WiM/stnweb2
Releases · USGS-WiM/stnweb2
v0.8.1 - 2022-06-24
- Clear 'X' button and progress spinner to event state and event type filters
- Info tooltips to fields in edit/add modals where units are converted on submit
- Active highlighting on hover, button click and row add to site page tables
- When new row item is added and table page is full, jump to next page
- Active highlighting on hover and details button click to map filter results table
- Ability to delete landowner when editing a site
- Ability to add sensor file, datafile and NWIS file in files tab
- Ability to delete sensor, data and NWIS files in files tab
- Ability to edit sensor, data and nwis files in file tab
- Disabled sensor retrieve button when no event is selected
- Active highlighting style
- Fade out active highlight when row is added
- Site edit modal arrangement and styling
- Fields not populating in details modals
- Unedited rows removed from reference datum table after edit
- Update counts in site page tabs on edit/add/delete
- Validation error incorrectly shown when date changed in sensor retrieve modal
- UTC Preview not updating when minutes changed in Sensor add/edit
- Update counts in file tab and site file expansion panel when files added/deleted
- Date/time formatting and time zone conversion for all entities
- Broken USWDS banner images
What's Changed
- #406 - add clear button and progress spinner to event filters by @Abigail770 in #408
- 404 - view details modals fixes by @Abigail770 in #409
- 405 - table updates by @Abigail770 in #410
- #411 - change active highlighting style; fade out active highlight on added rows by @Abigail770 in #412
- 311 - site edit modal updates by @Abigail770 in #421
- 401 - update date/time formatting and time conversion by @Abigail770 in #419
- ability to delete sensor files in file tab by @Abigail770 in #425
- 420 by @Abigail770 in #422
- #427 - moved location of images in asset folder and update paths by @lprivette in #428
- 417 - ability to edit sensor files in file tab by @Abigail770 in #424
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1
- Ability to create HWMs
- Dropdown functionality to state and event filters on map page
- Added ability to delete HWMs
- Ability to create Reference Datums
- Added ability to delete reference datums
- Added ability to deploy a sensor
- Added ability to delete sensors
- Alert for deploying and retrieving sensors when no event selected
- Added ability to create a peak
- Added tooltips to all add button icons
- Added ability to delete a peak
- Added Description and Is Destroyed columns in reference datum table
- Added ability to retrieve a sensor
- Clear filters button styling to link
- Increased details modal widths
- Improved responsiveness of tables in details modals
- Autopopulate source and agency when adding file in site edit form
- Disabled add button when no event selected for Peaks, Sensors, HWMs and files (except site files)
- Disabled peak edit when no event selected
- Date Recovered to Date Last Checked in reference datum detail and edit modals
- Time reset in sensor edit modal when Cancel Edits is clicked
- Time validation in sensor edit
- Inability to login after logging out
- Duplicated disabled buttons when incorrect role and no event selected
- Edit ability for Peaks
- View details for Peaks
- Adds view sensor button to results table which opens dialog listing sensors; includes button to site page
- Makes siteid a link to site page
- Event populated in map filter form on page load
- Map filters after navigating from map page
- Session event displayed on each page
- Back to Map button displayed on each page
- Add ability to add, edit and delete Site, Reference Datum and HWM files in Files Tab
- Add View Results button on map
- Phone, email and zip code format/validation in site edit form
- Sort result details table by sensor status when opened (Deployed > Retrieved > Proposed > Lost)
- Revised peak table columns
- Replaced alerts/confirms with dialog
- Updated Reference Datum Edit dialog layout
- Updated radio button/form field layout for all edit dialogs
- View Details and Edit buttons move within button menu on smaller screens
- Implement consistent button styling throughout app
- Remove second navbar
- Restyle event filters on map page
- Remove minimize/maximize map button
- Change placeholders in map filters to All __
- Sensor files not displaying when event selected
- Sensor and HWM files not always displaying in peak dialogs when event selected
- Sensor markers not displaying on map when no deployment type
- View Details/Edit buttons displayed in both column and menu
- Site icon not displayed on map on site pages when no sensors or hwms
- Surveyed RP Only Sites not send with map filter query
- Markers not showing up after returning to map page
v0.6.0 - 2022-01-25
- Added map filter button on mobile. Map filters open to replace the map and filter results.
- Added Real-Time Stream Gage layer
- Added Site Page with navigation from site popups on map
- Added map to site details page
- Added pagination and sorting to tables on site dashboard page
- USWDS banner and accessability styles
- Map to site page
- Added sorting and pagination to tables on site page
- Edit ability for site page
- Edit ability for Reference Datums
- Edit ability for HWMs
- Edit ability for Sensors
- Edit ability for Sensors
- User management page
- ability to add new user
- View details, edit, and delete button for site entities
- Map filters placed in sidebar component
- Clear Filters and Filter Sites buttons moved back from filter to map component
- Table styling for results and result modal
- If no location description for sensors in table, display N/A
- Disallowed closing of the login dialog
- Redirecting to landing page on logout
- Multiple panels may be open and do not reset on filtering the map
- Minimize legend and map button in mobile view
- Display n/a for empty location descriptions
- Change "Datum Location" to "Reference Datum"
- Forced login to access/view application
- Keep filter section expanded if filter is selected
- Removed tape downs from sensor table
- Disabled clicking outside of the add new user dialog
- Width of map container on mobile fits to screen size
- Event list is reset when "Clear Filters" is clicked and active styling for previously selected event types removed
- Fixed map filter overlap with results panel and footer
- Minimized button moved above map on mobile screen sizes
- Results and result modal mobile responsiveness
- Bug in consistently populating results table
- Streamgage markers removed from map when Clear Filters button is clicked
- Fixed site ID not added to popups for some sites
- Use last updated date if no event end date for NOAA and streamgage popups
- Event filters not clearing on button click
- Mobile and layout fixes
- Remove real-time streamgage layer on clear filters click
- SiteID not populating on map filter change
- Peak not showing when event is selected
- Role and Agency not sorting in user management table
- NOAA Tides and Current Stations layer to map, layer control, and legend
- Switched to marker clusters for large queries
- Results panel opens when filter is submitted
- Site markers clear when click "Clear Filters"
- Fixed measure tools
- State filter works
- Open Street Maps checked on when map loads
- Filter query returns no results when the only sites matching query are invalid
v0.4.0 - 2020-01-12
- Added sites layer to layer control and legend
- Added Results table for sites on map with sorting and pagination
- Added all STN sites layer
- Added EventType and EventState Filters to filter the Events choice list
- Added site filter options for: HWMs Surveyed, HWM Only, Sensor Only, Surveyed RP Only, Pre-Deployed Bracket, RDG Only, Has OP Defined
- Added popup on site click with site information
- Added warning message when user's query returns no data
- Added Login capability
- Added requirement for user to select at least one of Event, State, Network, or Sensor filter
- Extent button now zooms to site markers
- Map zooms to sites when filters are submitted
- State filters are searchable
- Removed extra navbar buttons, changed style of Map button
- Skips out of place sites
- Fixed event filter auto-update
v0.3.0 - 2020-12-08
- Added prerequisite for at least one layer to be checked before the legend appears
- Added popup message for when a layer is removed due to user zooming out
- Added min zoom warning in layer control
- Added placeholder buttons for submitting and clearing filters
- Adjusted color of second navbar
- Changed "HWMS Surveyed" from checkbox to radio buttons