Quality Work > Move Fast Break things
- 🔭 Working on a Construction app that helps users to manage the construction phases from end to end - Let's Build
- 🌱 Learn something every day for me it's Swift
- 👯 Open to projects that have an impact on people life (be it anything)
- 🤔 Let's hack Swift for AI...
- 📫 Reach me on any of the options above
- 😄 Pronouns: Him/They
- ⚡ Fun fact: I
♥️ Swift (it's the main reason I do iOS development) - 💬 Ask me anything about 👉
Imagine One source of truth and multiple Augmented Realities, with one reality and multiple Renders - Alternate Universe"
A space in AR (augmented reality) with variable renders from the feed. I have managed to build a proof of concept. Excited?
Let's Build: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/letsbuild-construction-app/id1224121986