Lego is a cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, offline-storage, Wikitude powered Path finder.
- 2d markers based on geolocations to identify path for a journey
- 3d models on specific geolocations to identify a checkpoint in a journey
- Custom 3d models generations on user markers to help gain more knowledge about the environment
You can also:
- Import and save files from phone library
- Share links add videos or custom messages to a marker
- Record Video of your journey
- Publish journey for all or specific users
Lego uses a number of open source projects and paid sdks to work properly:
- [Wikitude] - AR sdk for geo location rendering!
And of course Lego itself is open source with a [public repository][dill] on GitHub.
Lego requires Wikitude v5+ to run.
Download and extract the javascript api sdk for ios.
- Clone the Lego repo
- Extract the sdk and copy the framework folder from sdk to Lego/
- Go to Link Frameworks and Libraries in Xcode under General tab and add the following: Accelerate.framework AssetLibrary.framework AVFoundation.framework CFNetwork.framework CoreGraphics.framework CoreLocation.framework CoreMedia.framework CoreMotion.framework CoreVideo.framework JavaScriptCore.framework Foundation.framework MediaPlayer.framework OpenGLES.framework QuartzCore.framework Security.framework SystemConfiguration.framework UIKit.framework Also Add The Following Dynamic Libraries libc++.tbd libz.tbd
Lego is currently using the following permissions. Update your info.plist file
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description
- Privacy - Location Usage Description
- Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
- Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description
You need physical device to test it.
- Write Tests
- Write Server to save user data
- Add Code Comments
- Rethink and Redesign UI & UX
- Move Lego from MVP to Beta
- Record Journey
- Share Journey
- Add Socal comments features like adding comments to a marker