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Drupal Shared Hosting Example

Josh J. edited this page Jan 3, 2014 · 6 revisions

Deploying Drupal to a shared hosting server environment


This example is very similar to the Drupal Private Server Example except for two changes:

  • use the ash/drupal_shared_hosting library: require 'ash/drupal_shared_hosting'
  • change the deploy_to path to the user's directory: set(:deploy_to) { "/home/#{user}/domains/#{application}/code/#{stage}" }

These examples are useful if your project will be hosted on an AAI shared-hosting server. In the root directory of your project, run the following commands:

capify .
rm -Rf config/deploy.rb; mkdir -p config/deploy
touch config/deploy/staging.rb config/deploy/production.rb

After you have edited your Capfile and <environment>.rb files, you will need to run the following command only once:

cap <environment> deploy:setup
cap <environment> deploy:check


Edit your Capfile to look similar to this (replace any reference to example domains or anything in <CAPS> with valid params):

# Capfile
load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator

# --------------------------------------------
# REQUIRING 'ash/drupal'
# --------------------------------------------
set :application, ""

# --------------------------------------------
# Define required Gems/libraries
# --------------------------------------------
require 'ash/drupal_shared_hosting'

# --------------------------------------------
# Server Variables/Defaults
#    Alternative Server(s) Configuration:
#      role :web, ""  # can also use IP-address or host's servername
#      role :db, ""   # can also use IP-address or host's servername
# --------------------------------------------
server "", :web, :db

set :user, "augash"
set(:deploy_to) { "/home/#{user}/domains/#{application}/code/#{stage}" }

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/SVN Variables
#    Example SVN configuration:
#      set :repository, "<PATH/TO/REPO>/trunk"
#      set :scm_username, "<SVN_USER>"
#    Example Git configuration:
#      set :repository, "[email protected]:augustash/<REPO_NAME>.git"
#      set :scm, "git"
#      #set :branch, "master" # define which branch 
#                             # should be used for deployments
# --------------------------------------------
set :repository, "[email protected]:augustash/<REPO_NAME>.git"
set :scm, "git"
# uncomment the line below if your project uses submodules (updates submodules)
#set :git_enable_submodules, 1

# --------------------------------------------
# Database/Backup Variables
# --------------------------------------------
# Database credentials will be defined in the 
# settings.production.php or settings.staging.php
# files, which drush will use when doing database
# dumps
set :keep_backups, 3 # only keep 3 backups (default is 10)

# Set Excluded directories/files (relative to the application's root path)
set(:backup_exclude) { [ "var/", "tmp/" ] }

# --------------------------------------------
# Compile Sass stylesheets and upload to servers
# ONLY RUNS IF YOU HAVE SET :compass_watched_dirs
# :compass_watched_dirs can either be a string or an array
# Example:
#   # Use the array syntax if you compass watch several directories:
#   set :compass_watched_dirs, ["sites/all/themes/ash", "sites/all/themes/my_custom_theme]
#   # Use the string syntax if you only compass watch one directory:
#   set :compass_watched_dirs, "sites/all/themes/ash"
# If you name your public stylesheets directory something
# other than "stylesheets" than you can specify the name of 
# the directory with the :stylesheets_dir_name variable
# Examples (both assume your compiled stylesheets exist within your :compass_watched_dirs):
#   # If your Sass compiles to your assets/css directory (i.e., `sites/all/themes/ash/assets/css`):
#   set :stylesheets_dir_name, "assets/css"
#   # If your Sass compiles to a separate directory (i.e., `sites/all/themes/ash/styles`):
#   set :stylesheets_dir_name, "styles"
# --------------------------------------------
set :skip_compass_compile, false # change to true if you want to skip all compass-related tasks
set :compass_watched_dirs, "sites/all/themes/ash"

# --------------------------------------------
# Callbacks - Set Before/After Precedence
# --------------------------------------------
before "deploy:update_code", "backup"

Production Environment

Edit your config/deploy/production.rb file to look similar to this:

# Deploy Drupal site using Capistrano
# Usage:
# cap production deploy:setup
# cap production deploy

# --------------------------------------------
# Server Variables (Overridden)
# If your production site is located on a different
# or multiple servers consider using this syntax:
#    role :web, ""
#    role :web, ""
#    role :db, "", :primary => true
#    role :db, ""
#    role :db, ""
# --------------------------------------------
#server "", :web, :db

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/git-flow configuration
# if you are using Git or the git-flow workflow
# you should specify the :branch your environment
# deploys from. 
# For example: 
#   + the staging environment should use the `develop` branch
#   + the production environment should use the `master` branch
# --------------------------------------------
set :branch, "master"

# --------------------------------------------
# Multisites
# -------------------------------------------- 
# Setting which folder in the sites directory to use
# change's the name of your local site folder to the 
# fully qualified domain name (URL) of the live site,
# so if you want the 'www' included in the url use
# this example:
#    set :multisites, { 
#      'bestappever.local' => ''
#    }
set :multisites, {
  'bestappever.local' => '',

Staging Environment

Edit your config/deploy/staging.rb file to look similar to this:

# Deploy Drupal site using Capistrano
# Usage:
# cap staging deploy:setup
# cap staging deploy

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/git-flow configuration
# if you are using Git or the git-flow workflow
# you should specify the :branch your environment
# deploys from. 
# For example: 
#   + the staging environment should use the `develop` branch
#   + the production environment should use the `master` branch
# --------------------------------------------
set :branch, "develop"

# --------------------------------------------
# Multisites
# -------------------------------------------- 
# Setting which folder in the sites directory to use
# change's the name of your local site folder to the 
# fully qualified domain name (URL) of the live site,
# so if you want the 'www' included in the url use
# this example:
#    set :multisites, { 
#      'bestappever.local' => ''
#    }
set :multisites, {
  'bestappever.local' => '',