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WordPress Private Server Example

Josh J. edited this page Oct 30, 2013 · 9 revisions

Deploying WordPress to a virtual or dedicated server environment

These examples are useful if your project will be hosted on an August Ash shared server. In the root directory of your project, run the following commands:

capify .
rm -Rf config/deploy.rb; mkdir -p config/deploy
touch config/deploy/staging.rb config/deploy/production.rb

After you have edited your Capfile and <environment>.rb files, you will need to run the following command only once:

cap <environment> deploy:setup
cap <environment> deploy:check


Edit your Capfile to look similar to this (replace any reference to example domains or anything in <CAPS> with valid params):

# Capfile
load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator

# --------------------------------------------
# REQUIRING 'ash/wordpress'
# --------------------------------------------
set :application, "<>"

# --------------------------------------------
# Define required Gems/libraries
# --------------------------------------------
require 'ash/wordpress'

# --------------------------------------------
# Setting defaults
# --------------------------------------------
# IP-address or host's servername
role :app, "<>"
role :web, "<>"
role :db,  "<>", :primary => true

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/SVN Variables
#    Example SVN configuration:
#      set :repository, "<PATH/TO/REPO>/trunk"
#      set :scm_username, "<SVN_USER>"
#    Example Git configuration:
#      set :repository, "[email protected]:augustash/<REPO_NAME>.git"
#      set :scm, "git"
#      #set :branch, "master" # define which branch 
#                             # should be used for deployments
# --------------------------------------------
set :repository, "[email protected]:augustash/<REPO_NAME>.git"
set :scm, "git"
# uncomment the line below if your project uses submodules (updates submodules)
#set :git_enable_submodules, 1

# SSH login credentials
set :user, "<SSH_USER>"

# Deploy to = file path where the application will reside
set(:deploy_to) { "/var/www/#{application}/#{stage}" }

# --------------------------------------------
# Database + File Backup Variables
# --------------------------------------------
# Database credentials
set :dbuser, "<DB_USER>"

# Set Excluded directories/files (relative to the application's root path)
set(:backup_exclude) { [ "wp-content/cache" ] }

# --------------------------------------------
# Compile Sass stylesheets and upload to servers
# ONLY RUNS IF YOU HAVE SET :compass_watched_dirs
# :compass_watched_dirs can either be a string or an array
# Example:
#   # Use the array syntax if you compass watch several directories:
#   set :compass_watched_dirs, ["wp-content/themes/ash", "wp-content/themes/my_custom_theme"]
#   # Use the string syntax if you only compass watch one directory:
#   set :compass_watched_dirs, "wp-content/themes/my_custom_theme"
# If you name your public stylesheets directory something
# other than "stylesheets" than you can specify the name of 
# the directory with the :stylesheets_dir_name variable
# Examples (both assume your compiled stylesheets exist within your :compass_watched_dirs):
#   # If your Sass compiles to your assets/css directory 
#   # (i.e., `wp-content/themes/my_custom_theme/assets/css`):
#   set :stylesheets_dir_name, "assets/css"
#   # If your Sass compiles to a separate directory 
#   # (i.e., `wp-content/themes/my_custom_theme/styles`):
#   set :stylesheets_dir_name, "styles"
# --------------------------------------------
set :compass_watched_dirs, "wp-content/themes/my_custom_theme"

# --------------------------------------------
# NGINX/PHP-FPM configuration
# If your web server is using NGINX with PHP-FPM
# you can use the below variables and tasks to
# start/stop/restart/status nginx and php-fpm 
# processes. This is especially necessary if you
# are using something like APC to cache your code.
# If you are going use these commands it is highly
# suggested that you setup your SSH user to run
# common deploy-related commands (i.e., rm, cp, 
# mkdir, chown, chmod, ln, rsync, etc.) as sudo w/o
# requiring a password.
# For example, in your `sudoers` file:
# ```bash
# # ....stuff...
# # Command Aliases
# Cmnd_Alias DEPLOYMENT = /usr/bin/rsync, /bin/chmod, /bin/chown, /bin/rm, /etc/init.d/nginx, /etc/init.d/php-fpm
# # ...more stuff...
# # The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
# #
# # Allow root to run any commands anywhere
# root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
# ```
# ---------
# Options:
# ---------
# :nginx_init_command (Default: `/etc/init.d/nginx`)
#   The path to your nginx control script. You could also use 
#   `service nginx` but it's experimental at this point.
# :phpfpm_init_command (Default: `/etc/init.d/php-fpm`)
#    The path to your php-fpm control script. You could also use 
#   `service php-fpm` but it's experimental at this point. 
# --------------------------------------------
#after "deploy", "nginx:restart"

# --------------------------------------------
# Application Specific Methods
# --------------------------------------------
namespace :app do
  desc "Removes any additional unnecessary files or directories after deploy:finalize_update"
  task :finalize_update, :except => { :no_release => true } do
    logger.debug "Removing additional files"
    run "rm -Rf #{latest_release}/htaccess.dist"

# --------------------------------------------
# Callbacks
# --------------------------------------------
before "deploy:update_code", "backup"
after "deploy:finalize_update", "app:finalize_update" 

Production Environment

Edit your config/deploy/production.rb file to look similar to this:

# Deploy WordPress site using Capistrano
# Usage:
# cap production deploy:setup
# cap production deploy

# --------------------------------------------
# Variables
# --------------------------------------------
# Database Name
set :dbname, "<DB_NAME>"

# Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/production/backups)
set :backups_path, "#{deploy_to}/backups"

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/git-flow configuration
# if you are using Git or the git-flow workflow
# you should specify the :branch your environment
# deploys from. 
# For example: 
#   + the staging environment should use the `develop` branch
#   + the production environment should use the `master` branch
# --------------------------------------------
set :branch, "master"

Staging Environment

Edit your config/deploy/staging.rb file to look similar to this:

# Deploy WordPress site using Capistrano
# Usage:
# cap staging deploy:setup
# cap staging deploy

# --------------------------------------------
# Variables
# --------------------------------------------
# Database Name
set :dbname, "<DB_NAME>"

# Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/staging/backups)
set :backups_path, "#{deploy_to}/backups"

# --------------------------------------------
# Git/git-flow configuration
# if you are using Git or the git-flow workflow
# you should specify the :branch your environment
# deploys from. 
# For example: 
#   + the staging environment should use the `develop` branch
#   + the production environment should use the `master` branch
# --------------------------------------------
set :branch, "develop"