Packages Unreal Engine's Cooked Assets for the Genesys Platform
- Create an Unreal Engine Blank Blueprint Project. Don't include Starter Content.
- Choose a unique and descriptive name for your project. Ex. FantasyHouses
- In the Content Browser, under the Content folder, create a folder named after your project name.
- Under the folder you created in step 3, create the following folders
- For Static Meshes
- Meshes
- Materials
- Textures
- For Skeletal Meshes
- SkeletalMeshes
- Animations - We only support Animation Sequences for now
- Materials
- Textures
- PhysicsAssets
- Skeletons
- For Sound Assets
- Audio - WAV files go here
- Import an FBX file by either dragging it to the content browser or by using the right-click context menu.
- Move each file to its appropriate directory.
- Your project directory structure as seen in the content browser should be like this:
- Navigate to File -> Cook Content For Windows
- Run the genesys-packager.exe. Make sure you've downloaded the latest release: []
- Target your Unreal Engine 4 binaries directory.
Ex. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.11
- Target your UE4 Project.
- Package!
- Your package will be available in the same directory as the packager. Output file will be PROJECT_NAME.pak