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Philipp edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 12 revisions

📖 Table of Contents

  1. ER Model
  2. Entity
  3. Attributes
  4. Relationship

Last updated for: v0.3.0

ER Model

ER models are specified in .erd files with the erdiagram keyword and a model name. After the header follows an optional notation, before specification of the model elements (i.e. entities and relationships).

Syntax Graph (click to open) Syntax Graph - Model
// header (required)
erdiagram Name

// notation (optional)

// model elements
entity E1 { id1 key }
entity E2 { id2 key }
relationship Rel { E1 -> E2 }  


The notation option changes the representation in the ER diagram to a specific notation.

Syntax Graph (click to open) Syntax Graph - Notation
Notation Type Description
default Default Notation
chen Chen Notation
bachman Bachman Notation
crowsfoot Crow's Foot Notation

See Notations for more information.


Single-line and multi-line comments are supported.

// single-line comment

    multi-line comment


An entity includes a name and attributes within curly braces.

Syntax Graph (click to open)
// Basic Entity
entity Basic {}

// Entity with Attributes
entity WithAttr { 
    attr1 key

Weak Entity

The preceding weak keyboard defines a weak entity. While a key attribute is used in strong entities, weak entities use a partial-key for identification. The dependency is declared with an additional weak relationship.

entity StrongEntity {
    attr key

weak entity WeakEntity { 
    attr partial-key

weak relationship depends {
    WeakEntity -> StrongEntity


⚠️ (experimental)

entity Vehicle {

entity Car extends Vehicle {


Syntax Graph (click to open)
// Basic

// Datatype
attr: VARCHAR(255)
attr : integer

// Classifiers
attr key
attr partial-key 
attr derived


Syntax Graph (click to open)


Classifier Description
none Simple
key Key attributes uniquely identify entities
partial-key Partial key, used for weak entities
derived Can be derived from another attribute (e.g., age from birthday)


Syntax Graph (click to open) Syntax Graph - Relation Entity


relationship Binary {
    E1 -> E2

relationship Ternary {
    E1 -> E2 -> E3 

relationship Recursive {
    E1 -> E1


Cardinality corresponds to the maximum constraint in the number of allowed entity instances. The value for cardinality can be either 1 (one) or N (many).

// 1-1 (One-To-One)
relationship Rel1 {
    E1[1] -> E2[1]

// 1-N (One-To-Many)
relationship Rel2 {
    E1[1] -> E2[N]

// N-N (Many-To-Many)
relationship Rel3 {
    E1[N] -> E2[N]


Participation corresponds to the minimum constraint and can be either 0 or 1.

// zero-or-one (0..1) -> one-and-only-one (1..1)
relationship Rel1 {
    Entity1[0..1] -> Entity2[1..1]

// [1..1] is the same as [1] (one)
relationship Rel2 {
    Entity3[1..1] -> Entity4[1]

// zero-or-more (0..N) -> one-or-more (1..N)
relationship Rel3 {
    Entity5[0..N] -> Entity6[1..N]

// [1..N] is the same as [N] (many)
relationship Rel4 {
    Entity7[1..N] -> Entity8[N]


Roles can be specified after cardinality- and participation constraints.

relationship Rel {
    E1[ 1 | "role1" ] -> E2[ 1..N | "role2" ]