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Philipp edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 2 revisions

GitHub Release

Perform the following steps to create a new GitHub Release:

  1. Change the version field in the package.json of the extension and webview, e.g. 0.2.1
  2. Update the changelog and describe the included changes
  3. Create a new lightweight tag: git tag v0.2.1
  4. Push the newly created tag to remote: git push origin v0.2.1

This will run a GitHub workflow action that creates a release on GitHub with the changelog content and .vsix-file.

VS Code Marketplace Release

TODO: automate in release workflow


Install vsce globally and add BIGModelingTools to the known publisher list by providing a valid token.

# install vsce globally
npm install -g vsce

# add new publisher
vsce login BIGModelingTools 

# list all known publishers
vsce ls-publishers


The .vscodeignore file should exclude all files not needed at runtime. Before publishing a new release to the marketplace it is recommended to package and test the extension locally first (see how to install vsix-files).

# list all files included with extension
vsce ls 

# package extension and create vsix file
vsce package --yarn


vsce publish
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