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Davide Conzon edited this page Dec 1, 2019 · 1 revision

The bundles are already inserted in the Gazebo SM and Stage SM projects. If you modify them, you have to take in consideration the following concepts.

Usually the bundle verion is defined by the Bundle-Version: instruction in the bnd.bnd file for each project. when you modify something of a bundle in Eclipse, the Bndtool IDE will autocatically update the bundle jar in the generated folder. Double click the generated bundle, you can see its version and some other infomation.

When a project refers to the other project in the same workspace, the jar to be refered are the ones in the generated folder of each project, the version of the refered jar in the -buildpath: instruction in bnd.bnd file is usually equal to latest if you add this bundle from the build tab. but you can also set the version equal to the real value from source tab.

The cnf project has some build-in plugins and external plugins, they provides available bundles. But it is also possible to manually add and update the provided bundles, following these steps:

  • Copy the new version of a jar into any place in Eclipse;
  • Drag and drop this jar to Local repository of the cnf project from the Repositories view in Eclipse to overwrite the old jar;
  • Extend the Local repository, if the version is different with the old one, you can see multiple versions of the jar;
  • In case there are multiple versions, you should modify the version of this new jar in the bnd.bnd file for each project which refers this dependency bundle, and the .bndrun file

In conclusion, if in the same workspace, just need to change the source of the refered project, Bndtool will detect where is the latest version. If using different workspaces, you need to drag the new jar in local repository in the bnd Repositories View, and if the version is different, also change the version in the bnd.bnd for each project.

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