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Elvis Saravia edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 18 revisions

On this page, we include our quick guides.

Here is the list of guides:

How to Publish for

  • Once you have an idea of an article, the first step is to reach out to the editing team in the #editors Slack channel. They will inform you of the process and provide you the necessary guidance.
  • After they approve the idea, then the next step is to submit a draft of your article. We prefer that the draft be submitted either using Medium or Google Doc so that we can provide you feedback and review the article.
    • if you choose Medium, this short video demonstrates the steps to submit the draft. Remember also that all our articles are kept open so make sure to disable the "Allow curators to recommend my story to interested readers. Recommended stories are part of Medium’s metered paywall." option before submitting the draft to the Medium publication.
    • Note that we publish the articles in both Medium and on our main website. We can take care of the migration to the main website or you can also submit a PR here if you are familiar with GitHub Pages. (See this section for more info). This video shows one way how you can submit your markdown article.
  • To document the process of publication, we ask that you open a GitHub issue here. The issue can be titled "[A] Name of the article" and assigned an "under review" label. This step helps us to easily assign and track all ongoing articles that are under review.
  • A good article typically avoids speculation. Look at our previously published articles here if you want to know more about what components are good to have and what to avoid in your writing. You can also check out these slides for some writing tips.
  • Looking for impressive figures to include in your article? Then you might just find it here. We provide assets that will help you come up with your custom figures. If you are struggling then let us know and we will help you come up with appropriate and compelling visuals for your articles.
  • After the review phase, we are now ready to get your work published.
  • If you have any further questions reach out to the editors in the #editors channel and wait for reviews and approval.

NLP Newsletter - Request for Submissions

Please submit an ML or NLP tool, tutorial, blog post, research paper, dataset, or article, etc. that you believe could be useful/interesting for our community. Every week our team will select from this list to feature in the NLP Newsletter and on our social media websites. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter visit this link:

Please make sure that the link you are sharing is valid and leads to an open resource.

Please use the following form to make a submission to be considered for an upcoming issue of the NLP Newsletter.

Submitting PR for NLP Newsletter Issue

First, I need to send you an invite to push to the repository. Just send me an email ([email protected]) or Slack message (@elvis) with your GitHub account and I will add you to the repo. If I added you as a contributer already, you don't need to request again.

If you would like to be added as an official writer to the publication, I will need the following information from you (replace the items in CAPS):

  name: NAME

In addition, send me your preferred photo/avatar to appear on the website. Send me the info at [email protected] or via Slack.

If you don't want to include your personal info, then I can just post the translated newsletter under my name and you can skip the steps above.

Submitting the PR:

  1. Go to this _posts folder of the website and download the raw .md file corresponding to the NLP Newsletter that you are translating.

  2. You can then edit the .md file locally. These are the changes that you would need to perform:

  • First, rename the .md file to follow this format:
  • Now it's time to edit the .md file
  • If you submitted your personal info above, change the author field value to the GITHUB_USERNAME you provided above
  • Change the title field in the header to your translated title
  • Replace the excerpt field value with "" or you can add your own translation there as well... this helps with displaying things nicely on social media
  • Then you can start to replace the different parts of the newsletter with your own text translations
  • Note that urls or links follow this format [link text](http://url)
  • Since this is a jekyll blog, we need to use \\ to skip a line so keep those where you want to skip a new line
  • For simplicity, reuse the url images that are in the original .md file; this means you don't need to host your own images or upload any to the repository.
  1. Then upload your finished .md file (your translated version) to the repository under that same folder.

  2. When you commit the publication choose the "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request" option. We will review it and if all is well, we are ready to put the translation live on the website.

Thanks for contributing to the publication!