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Danny Li edited this page Apr 18, 2014
1 revision
NOW! Get 25% off by using coupon BFTSRVTOOL
08-04-2014 [v0.7.2]
- You have to reinstall the whole tool
- Please note cronjobs are a little different, please use the installation guides
* [Feature] Server settings editor
* ../panel/server-settings.php added
* [Feature] Timed messages
* ../panel/index.php updated
* ../core/cp_header.php updated
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_tmsg' added
* Table 'timed_msg' added
* ../panel/tmsg/index.php added
* ../panel/tmsg/add.php added
* ../panel/tmsg/edit.php added
* ../core/classes/TimedMessages.class.php added
* [Feature] Able to edit the required votes and the poll duration for in-game voting in the panel
* ../panel/igcmds/settings.php added
* Table 'settings' 'tool_igcmds_ptime' added
* [Feature] Added fsockopen, short_tags_open and mcrypt checker
* ../core/init.php updated
* ../index.php updated
* [Feature] Livechat widget added and livechat page for fast support
* ../core/cp_footer.php updated
* ../panel/livechat.php added
* [Feature] Option to disable all the limiters
* ../panel/index.php updated
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_limiters' added
* [Feature] Possibility to view the player's loadout through the panel
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/getLoadout.php added
* [Feature] Possibility to switch the player through the panel (UNRANKED only)
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/server.php updated
* [Feature] In-game command to whitelist a player
* ../core/IgCommands.class.php updated
* Table 'igcmds' 'whitelist' @ lvl 100 added
* [Feature] Switch map through the panel
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/server.php updated
* [Feature] Vote close through panel
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/server.php updated
* [Feature] Sending data to, to let us know who is using the tool and offer you the best support when needed.
* ../install.php updated
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* ../core/init.php updated
* [Feature] i3D API added (i3D gameservers only)
* ../core/init.php updated
* ../core/classes/i3d.class.php
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* ../install.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'i3d_userid' added
* Table 'settings' 'i3d_apikey' added
* Table 'settings' 'i3d_gameserverid' added
* Table 'settings' 'i3d_active' added
* Table 'settings' 'i3d_last_check' added
* [Feature] Start / Stop / Restart server (i3D gameservers only)
* ../panel/ajax/server.php updated
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/index.php
* [Feature] See your current i3D server status (i3D gameservers only)
* ../panel/index.php updated
* [Feature] Edit i3D gameserver configurations (i3D gameservers only)
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* [Feature] Public serverwatcher
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_watcher' added
* ../public/ajax/serverInfo.php added
* ../public/index.php added
* [Feature] Ping checker (servertool =====> gameserver) added
* ../core/functions/ping.func.php added
* ../panel/ajax/ping.php added
* ../panel/ping.php added
* ../panel/index.php updated
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../core/cp_header.php updated
* [Feature] In-game command: !attachments added
* ../core/classes/IgCommands.class.php updated
* Table 'igcmds' 'attachments' @ lvl 0 added
* [Feature] Rank -1 kicker
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_minusone' added
* [Update / UI] Server view updated + sort by score
* ../panel/server.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/serverInfo.php updated
* [Update] Server view accessable for every user
* ../panel/server.php updated
* [Update] The maplist now actually saves in the maplist.con file!
* ../panel/rotation.php updated
* [Update] KD (%kd%) and position axes (%position%) added to cmdMessage and statmessage
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* ../classes/IgCommands.class.php updated
* [Update] SQL.TXT updated
* [Update] Language file updated
* ../core/lang/en.php updated
* [Update] More efficient and faster item data fetching
* ../core/classes/IgCommands.class.php updated
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/getLoadout.php updated
* [Update] Added $listId (public)
* ../core/classes/Whitelist.class.php updated
* [Update / UI] Styled logs
* ../panel/view-log.php updated
* ../core/cp_header.php updated
* ../core/classes/Log.class.php updated
* [Improvement] Session now valid for one week
* ../core/classes/User.class.php updated
* [Improvement] When banning / whitelisting a player in-game, the user id is stored properly too
* ../core/IgCommands.class.php updated
* ../cronjobs/igcmds.php updated
* [UI] Tabs added
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* [UI] Effects added
* ../panel/css/default.css updated
* ../index.php updated
* [UI] Small UI improvements
* ../panel/css/default.css updated
* [UI] Chat messages styled and colors given
* ../panel/server.php updated
* [Bugfix] Fixed the checkboxes
* ../panel/igcmds/edit.php updated
* ../panel/igcmds/add.php updated
* [Bugfix] Warn command issue fixed
* ../core/classes/IgCommands.class.php updated
* [Bugfix] Fixed some URLs
* [Bugfix] Private messages to player fixed
* ../core/classes/RCON/Chat.php updated
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* ../core/classes/IgCommands.class.php updated
* [Update / Improvement / Bugfix] Updated cronjobs, this should prevent it from stopping suddendly, !!please
note that after this update, you need to set up the cronjobs a little
different than before.!!
22-12-2013 [v0.6.0]
- You have to reinstall the whole tool
* [Feature] In-game commands added
* ../core/classes/IgCommands.class.php added
* ../cronjobs/igcmds.php updated
* ../panel/view-log?log=igcmds added
* [Feature] Map rotation editor added
* ../core/classes/GameMaps.class.php added
* ../panel/rotation.php added
* [Feature] Now possible to send servermessages
* ../panel/server.php updated
* [Feature] Dual-slot limiter added
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_dsl' added
* ../panel/tool/dsl.php added
* ../panel/index.php updated
* [Feature] Option to inverse the weapons of the weapon limiter
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_wl_inverse' added
* ../panel/tool/wl.php updated
* [Feature] Quick overview of the server on the dashboard
And it automatically checks the server status LIVE
* ../panel/index.php updated
* [Feature] Ban reporting (via in-game command) to the BattlefieldTools Global Blacklist
* [Feature] Now possible to change the limiter messages
* ../cronjobs/limiters.php updated
* Table 'settings' 'tool_{TOOL_ABBR}_msg' added
* ../panel/tool/*.php updated
* [Feature] Makes connection with our main server to check if there's a new version available
* ../core/cp_header.php updated
* ../panel/checkVersion.php added
* [Feature] RCON console added
* ../panel/tool/rcon.php added
* ../panel/ajax/rconConsole.php added
* ../core/cp_header.php updated
* [Bugfix] Ignore VIPs for shotgun limiter fixed
* [Bugfix] [../panel/blacklist.php] Small icon fix (check => ban)
* [Bugfix] [../core/cp_header.php] Logs were not translated, now it is
* [Bugfix] [../index.php] Footer displayed an error (or was blank), fixed now
* [Bugfix] Cleans all POST variables now
* ../install.php updated
* ../panel/ajax/server.php updated
* [Bugfix] Set the server port as integer, some users got an error about that @ fsockopen()
* ../core/init.php updated
* [UI] Updated to Bootstrap 3
* [UI] Changed theme -> brighter, more clear
* [UI] Updated to FontAwesome 4.0.3
* [UI] Mobile and tablet friendly!
* [UI] Favicon changed
* [UI] Slight changes and details added
* [UI] Slight improvement, by adding drag, drop, sort, resize, select and more (jQueryUI)
* ../panel/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js added
* ../panel/css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css added
* [Update] install.php updated -> template and such
* [Update] Khukri Blade added to the itemslist
* [Update] Basra Rush added to the rotation list
* [Update] Name changed to ServerTool
* [Update] Developer added -> the whole team
* [Update] SQL.TXT updated
* [Update] Language files updated
* ../core/lang/en.php updated
* All other language files deleted -> You can download language files on
* [Update] ../cronjobs/limiters.php -> more efficient and simple way to get the player's class
* [DB] Tables created: igcmds, log_igcmds, igvote
* [DB] Table 'users', column 'rights_igcmds' added
* [Other] Added files to run in your browser (limiter and in-game commands)
* ../cronjobs/limiters_browser.php
* ../cronjobs/igcmds_browser.php
* [Ohter] Bash scripts added in ../cronjobs/
* [Other] API is added
* ../core/classes/BTApi.class.php added
* ../install.php updated
* ../panel/settings.php updated
* [Other] Removed HTACCESS, because it caused problems
19-10-2013 [v0.4.1] * First release