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Features and explanation

Danny Li edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 6 revisions


Table of contents

  1. User Interface and template
  2. Security
  3. Language support
  4. Accounts
  5. Notifier
  6. Logging
  7. Level limiter
  8. Class limiter
  9. Weapon limiter
  10. Prebuy limiter
  11. Shotgun limiter
  12. Blacklist
  13. Whitelist
  14. In-game playerstats message
  15. Admin message
  16. Server management
  17. VIP management
  18. In-game commands (Todo)

### 1. User Interface and template The template is [Twitter Bootstrap](, it's clean, bright and simple to use. The User Interface is made as simple and fluid as possible using jQuery and some plugins:
### 2. Security

Timed login-sessions

A login-session will expire after 2 hours, after those 2 hours you have to login again.

RCON information encryption

All your RCON information is being stored safely using PHP mcrypt() and base64_encode() / base64_decode(). Decoding is only possible through the decrypt() function and the unique key. (See file ../core/config.php. Const RANDOM_STRING. MAKE SURE TO CHANGE THIS RANDOM STRING!

Password encryption

Using sha256. Example: hash('sha256', $str)

### 3. Language support You cannot add custom language files, if you would like to add a language, please contact me. The following languages are supported:
  • English by SharpBunny
  • Dutch by SharpBunny
  • German by BeckerDerBro
  • French by -SM-MED-NB93
  • Polish by NommoPL
  • Czech by Johncze

### 4. Accounts You can add multiple accounts and give them certain rights:
  • Super-admin rights Gives him rights to manage the accounts and settings
  • In-game admin rights Gives him rights to access admin in-game commands (future!) and shows his name in the admin message
  • RCON rights Gives him rights to edit the RCON information
  • Blacklist rights Gives him rights to view/add/delete bans from the blacklist
  • Whitelist rights Gives him rights to view/add/delete players from the whitelist
  • VIPs rights Gives him rights to view/add/delete VIPs
  • Server rights Gives him rights to watch the game real-time and kick/warn players
  • Item list rights Gives him rights to view/add/delete items from the item list
  • Limiter rights Gives him rights to manage ALL the limiters
  • Log rights Gives him rights to view the logs

### 5. Notifier Notifies you when the tool could not connect to the server. It will send you an e-mail. `PHP mail()` is required!
### 6. Logging __Autokick logging__

$log->insertActionLog($user_id, $desc);

Every kick that's executed will be logged in English with the following information:

  • ProfileID and SoldierID
  • Soldier name
  • Date
  • Reason

CP actions logging

$log->insertKickLog($profile_id, $soldier_id, $soldier_name, $reason='Unknown');

Every (important) action executed through the CP will be logged in English with the following information:

  • UserID - The ID of the admin
  • Description
  • Date

### 7. Level limiter You can set the minimum and maximum level, if the player's level is not the right level he'll be kicked.
  • Option to ignore VIPs

### 9. Class limiter You can set the maximum amount of each class, if the maximum is reached, he'll be kicked.
  • Option to ignore VIPs

### 9. Weapon limiter You can choose the weapons/gadgets which are disallowed from the itemlist. If the player has one of the disallowed weapons/gadgets he'll be kicked.
  • Option to ignore VIPs

### 10. Prebuy limiter You can choose the weapons which will be checked for prebuy from the itemlist. If the player has one of the weapons and his level is lower than the unlock level he'll be kicked.
  • Option to ignore VIPs
  • Unlock level is from item_min_lvl

### 11. Shotgun limiter You can set the maximum amount of shotgun users on your server, if the maximum is reached, he'll be kicked.
  • Option to ignore VIPs
  • Counts every item with item_category = shotgun

### 12. Blacklist Add bans to your blacklist and kick the banned players.
  • Ban players for a certain time or permanently
  • Add a reason
  • Automatically deletes expired bans

### 13. Whitelist Add players which won't be kicked by ALL the limiters, except the blacklist.
### 14. In-game playerstats message Displays the player's current statistics in-game.

You can set the time to display this message and you can edit this message, you can use the following variables:

%name% - Name of the player

%ping% - Current ping of the player

%class% - The class of the player (if he's dead, class = Dead)

%rank% - Rank of the player

%kills% - Current kills of this round of the player

%deaths% - Current deaths of this round of the player

%score% - Current score of this round of the player

%vip% - Has the player got the VIP status? (Yes / No)

### 15. Admin message Displays a message in-game with the online in-game admins.

You can set a online and offline message.

Online message

Only displayed when there's at least one admin online, you can use the following variables in this message:

%admins% - Names of the admin (e.g. Admin1, Admin2, Admin3)

Offline message

Only displayed when there's no admin online, no variables available.

### 16. Server management


  • View the status of the server, real-time (map, players, tickets, time playing)
  • View the player statistics
  • Manage the players (kick / warn / add or delete as VIP)
  • Read the chat
  • (Not released yet) Send chatmessages

### 17. VIP management

You can easily add or delete players as VIP. As a VIP you never have to wait if the server is full, you can also ignore VIPs in the limiters.

### 18. In-game commands (Todo)

If you wonder why I write the documentation first before it's released, that's because this is what I want it to be and I won't forget some stuff...


  • Different rights for each command
  • Enable / Disable commands
  • Create custom commands

Command rights

Every command has a certain 'rights-level' (0 - 100), you can manually set these via the CP.

  • 0 = Public command
  • 0 = Admin command

Admin commands

Kicking a player (Default rights: 25)

Command usage:

!kp {playername} {reason}

/kp {playername} {reason}

|kp {playername} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250

@returns status in the servermessages

Warning a player (Default rights: 25)

Command usage:

!wp {playername} {reason}

/wp {playername} {reason}

|wp {playername} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250


After x warnings the player will be kicked, you can set the maximum amount of warnings in the CP.

@returns status in the servermessages

Banning a player (blacklist) (Default rights: 50)

Command usage:

!bp {playername} {time} {reason}

/bp {playername} {time} {reason}

|bp {playername} {time} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{time} = Amount of hours (0 = permanent ban)

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250

@returns status in the servermessages

Add or delete player as VIP (Default rights: 75)

Command usage:

!vip {playername}

/vip {playername}

|vip {playername}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it


Will add or delete a player as VIP. If the player is not a VIP yet, he'll be added, if he already is, he'll be deleted.

@returns status in the servermessages

Change map (Default rights: 100)

Command usage:

!cm {map} {mode} {rounds}

/cm {map} {mode} {rounds}

|cm {map} {mode} {rounds}

{map} = The whole mapname or a part of it (e.g. kark = karkand)

{mode} = Gamemode (assault / rush)

{rounds} = Number of rounds (optional) (default: 3)


Switch map

@returns status in the servermessages

Public commands

Request playerstats

Command usage:

!check {playername}

/check {playername}

|check {playername}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it


Get's the HS ratio, accuracy and K/D ration of the player.

@returns status in the servermessages

Report a player to the blacklist

Command usage:

!report {playername} {reason}

/report {playername} {reason}

|report {playername} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250


Reports the player to the blacklist, which an admin can accept or ignore.

@returns status in the servermessages

Request statistics

Command usage:

!stats /stats |stats


Displays the player stats, exact the same message as the statsmessages.

@returns status in the servermessages => To the requested player only

Report a player to the blacklist

Command usage:

!report {playername} {reason}

/report {playername} {reason}

|report {playername} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250


Reports the player to the blacklist, which an admin can accept or ignore.

@returns status in the servermessages


Command usage:

!vk !votekick {player} {reason}

/vk /votekick {player} {reason}

|vk |votekick {player} {reason}

{playername} = The whole playername or a part of it

{reason} = Reason, all characters are allowed, max-length: 250


Let's the players vote to kick a player. You can set the required votes in the CP.


!yes = To vote yes

!no = To vote no

@returns status in the servermessages

Custom message commands

You can create custom message commands via the CP.


!rules /rules |rules will display the following text in the servermessages:

No blah blah blah blah and this and that and more blah blah blah

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