Releases: folio-org/mod-orders
This release focused on fixing encumbrance status when changing fund distribution
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-943 - Encumbrance status becomes "Unreleased" after changing fund distribution
This release focused on fixing several bugs in rollover and implement new feature relate to POL or other parts
- MODORDERS-927 - Implement interception and update of invalid ISBNs during the POL update process
- MODORDERS-912 - Add uniqueness check for retrieving transactions
- MODORDERS-907 - Use new orders-storage endpoint to update order lines in batch during rollover
- MODORDERS-905 - Persist rollover failures per poLine
- MODORDERS-904 - Added filtering by fundDistribution encumbrance presence
- MODORDERS-903 - Updated composite order conversion
- MODORDERS-899 - Update to Java 17 mod-orders
- MODORDERS-887 - Changing interface version
- MODORDERS-882 - Update the error message displayed when importer is not a member of the specified acq unit
- MODORDERS-881 - Populate locations and material type for POLs when multiple Holdings/Items were created
- MODORDERS-879 - Prevent creating an order using 2 different fiscal years with clear error message
- MODORDERS-878 - Adjust prefix and suffix for generated poNumber
- MODORDERS-876 - Adjust material type and locations from existing holdings and item
- MODORDERS-871 - Finding holdings record during import open P/E mix orderLine
- MODORDERS-865 - Rewrite the orders rollover interaction in an asynchronous way
- MODORDERS-860 - Adjust POL "create inventory" field override
- MODORDERS-859 - Release encumbrance when orderStatus is set to CLOSED
- MODORDERS-859 - Receiving: added permission for transaction summaries
- MODORDERS-858 - Increase a memory to Snapshots
- MODORDERS-855 - fixed vertx semaphores
- MODORDERS-828 - Update dependent raml-util
- MODORDERS-786 - Upgrade di-utils to v1.11.0
- MODORDERS-405 - Composite orders web API updates budget objects with invalid date updated values
- MODORDERS-316 - Using new proxy endpoints for ledger rollover errors
- MODORDERS-307 - Update dependency
- MODORDERS-162 - Updated models
- MODFIN-323 - Delete unnecessary code
- UIOR-1102 - Ability to edit Ongoing order information of Open orders
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-929 - An error appears after rollover when open order/order line having two fund distributions related to different ledgers
- MODORDERS-928 - Can not delete acquisition methods with Order settings "All" permission
- MODORDERS-920 - An error appears after rollover when open order/order line having two fund distributions related to different ledgers
- MODORDERS-915 - NPE in
- MODORDERS-913 - Encumbrance became "Release" when changing fund distribution in order with related paid invoice having NOT checked "Release encumbrance" option
- MODORDERS-914 - A user with order create permission can not add suffix and prefix to the order
- MODORDERS-908 - Cannot load cache for mapping organizations when importing Orders (Orchid CSP 5 Clone)
- MODORDERS-902 - Allow user to fully edit location details when receiving workflow = Independent order and receipt quantity.
- MODORDERS-901 - zero division fix
- MODORDERS-894 - Adding fund distribution line in the POL breaks the order record. Can no longer open.
- MODORDERS-890 - When using POL "Change instance" the product ID can be made invalid blocking Invoice approve and pay
- MODORDERS-865 - fixed permissions and request routing
- MODORDERS-863 - Error after importing open orders for the second time
- MODORDERS-862 - Fixed receiving more than 15 pieces
- MODORDERS-855 - fixed Future usage
- MODORDERS-514 - Closing a composite order can fail silently when lines are included
- MODORDERS-494 - Unexpected jump in POL number on 2 line PO
- FAT-4999 - Added missing permission for check-in
- FAT-4863 - fixed orders chunk counting
- FAT-4844 - updated permissions
Tech debt
- MODORDERS-750 - Introduce Caffeine Cache for inventory entry types
- MODORDERS-865 - added missed permission
- MODORDERS-850 - Refactor inventoryManager in order to support caching
- Bump
java version
- Bump
- Bump
- MODORDERS-908 - Obtain organisations with pagination
This release focused on fixing transaction issue when changing funds on PO
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-912 - Issues with changing funds on a PO
This release focused on fixing zero division issue during rollover process
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-901 - Zero division issue
12.6.6 Orchid R1 2023 - Released
MODORDERS-878 Adjust prefix and suffix for generated poNumber
MODORDERS-876 Extra holdings/items created for open orders via data import, some without POL links
12.6.5 Orchid R1 2023 - Released
This release focused on fixing po line "create inventory" field overriding
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-860 - Adjust POL "create inventory" field overriding
12.6.4 Orchid R1 2023 - Released
The primary focus of this release was to rewrite the orders rollover interaction in an asynchronous way
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-865 - Rewrite the orders rollover interaction in an asynchronous way
This release focused on fixing po line product identifiers mapping
Bug Fixes
- MODDICORE-318 - Update di-processing-core to v4.0.3 to fix POL product identifiers mapping (MODDICORE-307)
This release focused on fixing rollover and receiving flows
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-863 - Error when importing open orders that create multi-line POs
- FAT-4999 - Added missed permission
- FAT-4863 - Fixed encumbrances processing during rollover