Releases: folio-org/mod-orders
This release focused on resolving performance and memory issues
- MODORDERS-850 - Refactor inventoryManager in order to support caching
- MODORDERS-750 - Introduce Caffeine Cache for inventory entry types
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-862 - Issues with receiving Pieces
- MODORDERS-859 - Encumbrances are not always released when an order is closed
- MODORDERS-858 - Module restarts when importing a big file
- MODORDERS-855 - Module freeze when reopening order
- FAT-4844 - Updated permissions
12.6.0 Orchid R1 2023
This release focused on replacing FolioVertxCompletableFuture usage refactoring, edit fund distributions with related invoices and orders import features
- MODORDERS-844 - Add cache to store organisations info for mapping
- MODORDERS-843 - Adjust deduplication mechanism to store info by POLine id
- MODORDERS-842 - Incorrect displaying initial amount encumbered after changing distribution percentage
- MODORDERS-840 - Extend error handling logic if can't create OrderLine
- MODORDERS-834 - Flow #2. Copy the amount awaiting payment and expended from the original encumbrance
- MODORDERS-820 - Introduce "deleteHolding" param to orders put endpoint
- MODORDERS-825 - Align the module with API breaking change
- MODORDERS-823 - Implement logic that defines which event should be issued as a result of saving Pending Orders
- MODORDERS-821 - Implement "Create new holdings for location" flag
- MODORDERS-817 - Associate mapped POLines with single Order based on POLine limit value
- MODORDERS-808 - Create "OrdersPostProcessingEventHandler" for mod-orders
- MODORDERS-807 - Copy number does not get applied to item when creating item through receiving app
- MODORDERS-805 - Replace FolioVertxCompletableFuture usage - merge
- MODORDERS-804 - Remove validation for editing fund distribution when related invoice is approved or paid
- MODORDERS-803 - Implement Edit Fund Destribution blocking action (FLOW #3)
- MODORDERS-801 - Check and correct encumbrance ID links for invoices with Open or Reviewed status (FLOW #4)
- MODORDERS-800 - Implement moving encumbered value from budget 1 to budget 2 (FLOW #2)
- MODORDERS-789 - Creating large amounts of polines performance issue
- MODORDERS-788 - Implement fetching related invoices on PUT PO Line method to be able to implement all futher flows
- MODORDERS-784 - Logging improvement - Configuration
- MODORDERS-783 - Implement Orders Export History API
- MODORDERS-780 - Replace FolioVertxCompletableFuture usage
- MODORDERS-775 - Add deduplication mechanism for Create Order event
- MODORDERS-773 - Implement action profile handler for order creation
- MODORDERS-724 - Replace use of deprecated class HttpClientFactory
- MODORDERS-696 - Replace all utility methods for HTTP calls from HelperUtils
- MODORDERS-647 - Implement Find or create logic for Holdings generated through the GOBI API
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-841 - Encumbrance current amount is calculated incorrectly after changing fund distribution when related paid invoice exists
- MODORDERS-833 - Negative encumbrance values appear for expense classes after rollover
- MODORDERS-827 - Order view is not restricted by Acquisition unit
- MODORDERS-816 - A user with order create permission can not add suffix and prefix to the order
- MODORDERS-810 - Invoice is unable to approve due to protected fields on productIds
- MODORDERS-713 - Add prefix and suffix to PO number when create or update order
The focus of this release was to fix protected productId field
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-810 Invoice is unable to approve due to protected fields on productIds
The focus of this release was to fix protected productId field
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-810 Invoice is unable to approve due to protected fields on productIds
The focus of this release was to fix inconsistent behavior with PO v. POL cancellation on multi-line orders
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-792 Inconsistent behavior with PO v. POL cancellation on multi-line orders
The focus of this release was to fix inconsistent behavior with PO v. POL cancellation on multi-line orders
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-792 Inconsistent behavior with PO v. POL cancellation on multi-line orders
The focus of this release was to fix Holding and Item duplication on GOBI import
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-790 - Duplicate Holding and Item when ordering something from GOBI
The focus of this release was to add copyright notice for FolioVertxCompletableFuture
- FOLIO-3604 - FolioVertxCompletableFuture copyright violation
This release focused on upgrade RMB and module interface dependencies
- MODORDERS-778 - Temporary disable data-import verticle deployment
- MODORDERS-776 - Upgrade RAML Module Builder
- MODORDERS-761 - Support inventory 12.0 in ModuleDescriptor "requires"
- MODORDERS-757 - Support holdings-storage 6.0, item-storage 10.0
- MODORDERS-753 - Implement processing of DI Kafka events by mod-orders
Bug Fixes
- FOLIO-3604 - FolioVertxCompletableFuture copyright violation
- MODORDERS-779 - Closed Order w/multiple lines & different/no funds will not re-open
This release focused on fixing bugs for fetching orders for rollover and adjusting Instance status, instance
type and loan type defaults is ignored buy order creation
Bug Fixes
- MODORDERS-755 - Fixing issue with fetching orders for rollover
- MODORDERS-748 - Adjusting Instance status, instance type and loan type defaults is ignored buy order creation