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Releases: folio-org/mod-orders


04 Aug 11:56
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This release focused on fixing bugs for creating tags with slashes, issue when item not appearing after instance connection change
and improving performance for rollover

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-735 - GOBI orders fail if using FOLIO tags that contain forward slashes
  • MODORDERS-732 - Performance: additional indexes required for orders rollover process
  • MODORDERS-730 - Item not appearing under holdings after instance connection change


22 Jul 15:57
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The primary focus of this release to fix bugs for updating PO Line details after instance connection change,
fix issues with Receipt and Payment statuses, restrict search result by current acq unit and providing REST endpoint for correct fund distribution validation.

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-728 - Fix periodically failing PurchaseOrderLinesApiTestNested test
  • MODORDERS-720 - All existing items in Holdings (not only items related to POL) are moved with Holdings when editing instance connection from POL
  • MODORDERS-718 - PO Line details are not updating after changing instance connection from POL
  • MODORDERS-714 - Fix issue with Receipt and Payment statuses when order is transited from Cancel to Open(ReOpen)
  • MODORDERS-708 - Update total validation(ew endpoint for fund distributions validation)
  • MODORDERS-619 - Can see titles in search results that are assigned to other acq units


06 Jul 16:40
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This release focused on implementing edit instance connection logic of POL, updating POL when an order is closed with the "Cancelled" reason, defining new Business API for updating Instance Reference for Non-package order line, removing Renewal date and renewal interval requirement for opening order

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  • MODORDERS-725 - Temporary workaround for issue with x-okapi-tenant header
  • MODORDERS-710 - mod-orders: Upgrade RAML Module Builder
  • MODORDERS-706 - Create encumbrances if needed when reopening an order
  • MODORDERS-685 - Implement edit instance connection logic of POL - create inventory set to Instance or none
  • MODORDERS-684 - Implement edit instance connection logic of POL - create inventory set to Instance, holding or Instance, holding, item
  • MODORDERS-683 - Define new Business API for updating Instance Reference for Non-package order line
  • MODORDERS-682 - Remove Renewal date and renewal interval requirement for opening order
  • MODORDERS-664 - Release encumbrances when POL payment status is set to canceled and update POL statuses
  • MODORDERS-663 - Update PO workflow status based on cancelation of POLs.
  • MODORDERS-662 - Fix randomly failing tests
  • MODORDERS-660 - Improve validation to preventing creation order lines with wrong expense classes
  • MODORDERS-636 - Update po lines when an order is closed with the "Cancelled" reason

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-727 - Create encumbrances if needed when reopening an order
  • MODORDERS-722 - Holdings source gets updated to MARC during importing from bib - happens when holdings was created by Order app (Morning Glory)
  • MODORDERS-716 - Failing change instance connection from POL when Create inventory is "None"
  • MODORDERS-715 - Resolve issue with failing test
  • MODORDERS-712 - Encumbrances are created for closed orders during FYRO
  • MODORDERS-700 - Receive 'protected fields can’t be modified' error for eresource fields on PO line that is a Physical Resource
  • MODORDERS-699 - Encumbrances are not deleted after deleting Cancelled order
  • MODORDERS-697 - Instructions to vendor field in POL cannot be changed to blank after text has been added and saved
  • MODORDERS-694 - PendingToOpenEncumbranceStrategy is not thread-safe
  • MODORDERS-691 - Opening an Ongoing order changes resolved POL statuses
  • MODORDERS-681 - Errors when creating pieces in quick succession
  • MODORDERS-673 - After edit Encumbrance detail not shown on POL fund distribution
  • MODORDERS-658 - Protected fields can't be modified" on productIds field error when attempting to update unmodified order


05 Jul 13:00
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The primary focus of this release to add necessary permissions to be able to retrieve holdings sources

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-717 - Holdings source gets updated to MARC during importing from bib - happens when holdings was created by Order app (Lotus HF2)


05 Jul 08:12
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The primary focus of this release was to fix issue with creating holdings after opening order

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-717 - Holdings source gets updated to MARC during importing from bib - happens when holdings was created by Order app (Lotus HF2)


01 Jun 16:21
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12.3.3 - Released Lotus Hotfix

The primary focus of this release was to fix issue with validation protected fields

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-702 - Lotus HF1 - Receive 'protected fields can’t be modified' error for eresource fields on PO line that is a Physical Resource


10 May 06:34
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12.2.6 - Kiwi Hotfix 3 Released

This bugfix release focused on fixing approve and pay invoice related issues

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-689 - Kiwi (R3 2021) Hot Fix #3 - Invoice can be approved but not paid when expense class added at point of invoice
  • MODORDERS-688 - Kiwi (R3 2021) Hot Fix #3 - Invoice payment fails if order line fund distribution is changed before invoice approval


11 Apr 06:24
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12.3.2 - Released R1 Lotus hotfix

The primary focus of this release was to fix Holding summary info and memory leaks

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Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-677 - Exchange Rate is ignored for encumbrance calculating when other than US dollars currency is selected
  • MODORDERS-672 - Holdings related to package POLs are not displaying Order information in acquisition accordion
  • MODORDERS-641 - Error opening large orders


25 Mar 16:09
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12.3.1 - Released R1 Lotus bugfix

The primary focus of this release was to fix issues with processing lines with more then 2 fund distributions.
Also error handling and performance were improved.

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Technical tasks

  • MODORDERS-490 - Generate list of poLine numbers in a single request

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-652 - Open order : Error message does not indicate what Fund does not have money
  • MODORDERS-646 - Fund distribution total not correct when 3 Fund distributions are used


03 Mar 10:33
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This release focused on adding support of EDI export and fixing po line processing

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  • MODORDERS-634 - Support circulation interface v13
  • MODORDERS-620 - Create Acquisition method schema and API
  • MODORDERS-609 - Deleting an order line fails without mod-invoice
  • MODORDERS-605 - Return helpful and clear error code, when Acquisition unit name already exist
  • MODORDERS-599 - Update re-encumbered logic to support "initialEncumbered"
  • MODORDERS-569 - Implement logic for updating Item fields when Piece was changed
  • MODORDERS-557 - Support "Disable instance matching" flag at the open order flow

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-655 - Undefined permission 'finance.order-transaction-summaries.item.get'
  • MODORDERS-649 - Some fields of the piece are not populated when receiving/unreceiving
  • MODORDERS-645 - Invoice payment fails if order line fund distribution is changed before invoice approval
  • MODORDERS-638 - Invoice can be approved but not paid when expense class added at point of invoice
  • MODORDERS-635 - Title "Publication date" validation is different from that of the PO Line
  • MODORDERS-616 - New holdingId is not saved into piece when location is changed during receiving