Go wrapper for nosql dbs.
####Get the package: go get github.com/goibibo/mantle
####Code: package main
import (
func main(){
//sample data
keyValue := map[string]interface{}{"key1":"val1", "key2":"val2", "key3":"val3"}
//extra params to be passed to connection
options := map[string]string{"db":"1"}
hostNPort := []string{"localhost:6379"}
orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis", HostAndPorts: hostNPort}
//selecting a particular db
orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis", HostAndPorts: hostNPort, Options: options}
//default "localhost:6379 is used when hostAndPort is not passed"
//orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis"}
//this connects to redis at localhost:6379 by default
//orm := mantle.Orm{}
connection := orm.New()
fmt.Println(connection.Set("key", "value2")) //output: true
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //value2
fmt.Println(connection.Delete("key")) //1
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""
fmt.Println(connection.MSet(keyValue)) //true
fmt.Println(connection.MGet("key3", "key2")) //[val3 val2]
connection.Expire("key", 1)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""
/*Execute any redis command*/
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "a")
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "b")
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "c")
values, _ := connection.Execute("LRANGE", "test", 0, -1)
fmt.Println(values) //[[99] [98] [97]]
connection.Setex("key", 1, "value")
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //value
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""