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Ivan Kulikov edited this page Mar 14, 2015 · 1 revision


Allatori obfuscator

  1. contains a <single_letter>.class in root
  • with a <single_letter> method {{{ bipush 85 swap dup arraylength iconst_1 isub dup_x2 istore_3 astore_1 istore_2 iflt pos.00000053 aload_1 iload_3 aload_0 iload_3 invokevirtual char java.lang.String.charAt(int) iload_2 ixor i2c swap dup_x1 iload_2 ixor i2c bipush 63
 1. `/com/.../something.class` contains calls like:

ldc "G}q}e4piq;" invokestatic java.lang.String m.c(java.lang.String)

 1. so use DirtyJOE's with keys `[in this example.
import pyjoe

def dj_decryptUTF8(inBuf):
	key = [85, 63](85,63]`)
	return pyjoe.dj_decryptUTF8_Allatori(inBuf, key)

Zelix !KlassMaster

  1. identifiable as ZKM... in the constant pool
  2. in method <clinit>:
tableswitch         l: 0, h: 3, def: pos.000000A0, pos.(0000008C, 00000091, 00000096, 0000009B)
bipush              111
goto                pos.000000A2
bipush              110
goto                pos.000000A2
bipush              97
goto                pos.000000A2
bipush              83
goto                pos.000000A2
bipush              71
  1. in DirtyJOE: {{{ def dj_decryptUTF8(inBuf): key = 97, 83, 71 return pyjoe.dj_decryptUTF8_ZKM(inBuf, key)

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