You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
this page gathers one line description of opcodes, and a few specific details.
UsermodeTest is the practice counterpart of this page. It uses each opcode, and check the result.
all exceptions triggers and all calls can be used to get current IP. for exception triggers:
mov eax, [+ 0ch](esp)
mov eax, dword [+ 0b8h](eax)
=> eax = eip of the trigger
Conditional jumps can have a 2e/3e BRANCH TAKEN/NOT TAKEN prefix. there is no official way to assemble nor disassemble them.
Calls, `[jumps, loops, returns, can operate on EIP or IP, with a 66 prefix. there is no standard way to assemble nor disassemble them.
does nothing.
maybe exchange *
ax with *
ax :)
waits for fpu stuff to be finished
NOP sfence, mfence, lfence
serializing stuff.
cpu hint
cpu hint, nop with operand
never triggers exceptions
mov eax, 3
=> eax = 3
privileged when with dr*
and cr*
mov on condition
start: CF, eax, ebx = 0, 0, 3
cmovc eax, ebx
=> eax = 0
lea x, [
)` = mov x,y
start: eax = 3
lea eax, [* 4 + 203A](eax)
=> eax = 2046
64 bits only can be used to get IP directly
48 8d 05 00000000: lea rax, [```
### movzx
mov and extend with zeroes
start: al = -1 movzx ecx, al => ecx = ff
### movsx
mov and extend with the sign
start: al = -3 movsx ecx, al => ecx = -3
### =movsxd==
movsx's *64 bit only* counterpart
start: eax = -3 movsxd rcx, eax => rcx = -3
### xchg
swap contents
start: al, bl = 1, 2 xchg al, bl => al, bl = 2, 1
atomic operation. lock prefix not needed
### movs
mov ds:`[`edi`](rip])`, es:`[and inc (or dec) esi and edi
### lods
mov `*`ax, es:`[`esi`](`esi`]`,)`, and inc (or dec) esi
### stos
mov ds:`[`*`ax and inc (or dec) edi
### add
start: eax = 3 add eax, 3 => eax = 6
### adc
add, with carry
start: CF, eax = 1, 3 adc eax, 3 => CF, eax = 0, 7
### xadd
add and exchange
start: al, bl = 1, 2 xadd al, bl => al, bl = 3, 1
### sub
start: eax = 6 sub eax, 3 => eax = 3
### fstenv
the FPU knows the address of the last executed fpu instruction. so, to get the current IP, use any FPU opcode - even FNOP - then store the FPU environment in memory via F(N)STENV:
@last_fpu: fnop fnstenv fpuenv mov edx,[=> edx = @last_fpu
### sbb
sub, with borrow
start: CF, eax = 1, 6 sbb eax, 3 => eax = 2
### inc
add 1
start: eax = 0 inc eax => eax = 1
### dec
sub 1
start: eax = 7 dec eax => eax = 6
### neg
start: al = 1 neg al => al = -1
### div
divide ax/dx:ax/edx:eax by operand. Quo/Rem are in al:ah/ax:dx/eax:edx
start: ax, bl = 35, 11 div bl => ax = 0203
### idiv
same, with sign
### mul
same registers as div
start: al, bl = 11, 3 mul bl => ax = 33
### imul
signed mul. has a 3 operands version
start: eax = 11 imul eax, eax, 3 => eax = 33
### aaa
ascii adjust after BCD addition
start: ax, bx = 304, 307 add ax, bx aaa => ax = 701
### aas
ascii adjust after substraction
start: ax, bx = 1, 4 sub al, bl aas => ax = 7
### aam
decimal to BCD
start: ax = 35 aam => ax = 305
### aad
BCD to decimal:
start: ax = 305 aad => ax = 35
### daa
decimal adjust after addition
start: ax, bx = 1234, 537 add ax, bx daa => ax = 1771
### das
decimal adjust after substraction
start: ax, bx = 1771, 1234 sub ax, bx das => ax = 537
### or
start: eax = 1010b or eax, 0110b => eax = 1110b
### and
start: eax = 1010b and eax, 0110b => eax = 0010b
### xor
exclusive or
start: eax = 1010b xor eax, 0110b => eax = 1100b
### not
logical not:
start: al = 1010b not al => al = 11110101b
### rol
left rotation
start: eax = 1010b rol eax, 3 => eax = 1010000b
### ror
right rotation
start: al= 1010b ror al, 3 => al = 1000001b
### rcl
rol over carry
start: CF, al = 1, 1010b rcl al, 3 => al = 1010100b
### rcr
ror over carry
start: CF, al = 1, 1010b, 1 rcr al, 3 => al = 10100001b
### shl
shift left (=sal)
start: al = 1010b shl al, 2 => al = 101000b
### shr
shift right
start: al = 1010b shr al, 2 => al = 10b
### sar
arithmetic shr (propagates sign)
start: al = -8 sar al, 2 => al = -2
### shld
shift and concatenate
start: ax, bx = 1111b, 010...0b shld ax, bx, 3 => ax = 1111010b
### shrd
same as shld, in the right direction
start: ax, bx = 1101001b, 101b shrd ax, bx, 3 => ax = 10100...001101b
### l*s
loads register and segment
ebx = 12345678, 0 lds eax, [=> ds = 0; eax = 12345678%ds x, y => ds = [and x = y
### loopCC
dec ecx. jump if ecx is 0 and extra condition
### repCC
repeat operation, decrease counter. stop if condition met or counter is 0
### jecxz
jump if `**`cx is null
### jmp
eip = operand
### jmpf
cs:eip = operands
### jCC
jump on condition
### enter
= (push ebp/mov ebp, esp) op2+1 times, then esp -= op1
- $enter$ 4,1 = push ebp/mov ebp, esp/ push ebp/ mov ebp, esp/ esp -= 4}
### leave
= mov esp, ebp/pop ebp
### cmp
comparison by sub, discard result
### cmps
cmp es:`[ds:`[`edi`](`esi`]`,)` and inc (or dec) esi and edi
### scas
cmp `**`ax, es:`[and inc (or dec) edi
### test
comparison by and, discard result
### push
push on stack:
start: push 12345678 => esp -= 4 esp = 12345678
### pushf
push EFLAGS on stack
### pusha
push eax/ecx/edx/ebx/(original) esp/ebp/esi/edi
### pop
pop from stack
start: [= 12345678 pop eax => esp += 4 , eax = 12345678
### popf
pop EFLAGS from stack
- can be used to set TF, the trap flag. It will then trigger an exception after the next instruction.
### popa
pop edi/esi/ebp/.../ebx/edx/ecx/eax
### smsw
eax=cr0 (non privileged)
officially on ax only, 'undocumented' on eax, but in reality, reliable on eax.
### =anti-debug=
### lahf
ah=flag (only the flags CF PF AF ZF SF)
### sahf
### in
read port
### =anti-vmware=
vmware backdoor
### ins
in es:`[`edi`](esp])`, dx, inc (or dec) edi
### out
write port - privileged
### outsd
out dx, `[inc (or dec) esi
### calls
### =call=
push eip of next instruction/eip = `<`operand`>`
works in 16b
### =callf=
push cs, eip of next instruction/cs:eip = `<`operands`>`
### returns
work in 16b
### ret=
pop eip / esp += `<`operand`>`
### =retf=
pop eip / pop cs
### =iret=
pop eip / pop cs + pop eflags
### cbw
extend signed value from al to ax
start: al = 3 cbw => ax = 3
### cwd
extend signed value from ax to dx:ax
start: ax = 3 cwd => dx = 0
### cwde
extend signed value from ax to eax
start: ax = 3 cwde => eax = 3
### cdqe=
extend signed value from eax to rax
64 bits only
start: eax = 012345678h cdqe => rax = 012345678h
### bsf
scan for the first bit set:
start: eax = 0010100b bsf ebx, eax => ebx = 2
### =bsr=
same but from highest bit to lowest bit
### bt
copy a specific bit to CF
start: ax, bx = 00100b, 2 bt ax,bx => CF = 1
### =bts/btr/btc=
same as bt + set/reset/complement that bit
### stc/d/i
set CF/DF (rep prefix)/IF (privileged)
### =clc/d/i=
clear those flags
### =cmc=
complement CF: CF = !CF
### int
trigger interrupt `<`operand`>`
### into
trigger interrupt 4 if OF is set
### xlat
al = `[`ebx + al`](`esi`]`;)`
start: al, + 35 = 35, 75 xlatb => al = 75
segment overridable, but the segment might not be displayed in short form.
### =xlatb=
xlat's rarer 16b counterpart al = `[+ al`](`bx)`. it might not be shown in short form.
### bound
int5 if op1 < `[& op1 > `[`op2 + size`](`op2`]`)`
start: eax, [= 136, 135, 143 bound eax, ebx => nothing
a nop or an exception trigger => easy loop with a SEH.
### opsize
turns dword operand into word
start: ecx = -1 66: inc ecx (=inc cx) => ecx = ffff0000
### addsize
use 16b addressing mode
67:add [eax => add bx + si, eax
### bswap
endian swapping
start: eax = 12345678h bswap eax => eax = 78563412
**undocumented** on 16b: clears the register.
66 0FC8 bswap ax => ax = 0
### cmpxchg
if (op1 == `**`ax) op1 = op2 else `**`ax = op1
start: al = 3; bl = 6 cmpxchg bl,cl => al = bl
### cmpxchg8b=
compare and exchange - memory based
start: eax:edx, ecx:ebx, [= 0a0a0a0a:d0d0d0d0, 99aabbcc:ddeeff00, 0d0d0d0d0:00a0a0a0a cmpxchg8b _cmpxchg8b => [= ecx:ebx
source of the famous pentium bug
### cmpxchg16b=
cmpxchg8b's 64b counterpart
start: rax:rdx, rcx:rbx, _cmpxchg16b = 0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a:d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0, 99aabbcc99aabbcc:ddeeff00ddeeff00, 0d0d0d0d00d0d0d0d0:00a0a0a0a00a0a0a0a cmpxchg16b [=> _cmpxchg16b = rcx:rbx
### rdtsc
=> edx:eax = timestamp counter.
### =anti-debug=
rdtsc mov ebx, eax mov ecx, edx rdtsc cmp eax, ebx jle bad cmp edx, ecx jnz bad
### popcnt
`<`target`>` = number of bits set in `<`source`>`
start: ebx = 0100101010010b popcnt eax, ebx => eax = 5
- not supported by all cpus
### sidt
store idt
sidt [=> eax = 7fff (XP) / 0fffh (W7)
### crc32
updates a crc32c on the operand
start: eax , [= 0, 12345678h crc32 eax, ebx => eax, 0fa745634h
- not the standard crc32
- not supported by all cpus
### sgdt
store gdt
sgdt [=> eax = 3fff (XP) / (7fh)
### =detector=
### sldt
store ldt
sldt eax => eax = 0
always 0 under standard OS, not under virtual machines.
### cpuid
get cpu info (brand, features, ...)
### lsl
get segment limit
start: cx = cs lsl eax, ecx => eax= -1
### str
store task register
str ax => ax = 28 (XP) / 4000 (vmware)
special encoding. 16b or 32b bit on register, 16b on mem
### arpl
compares lower 2 bits and copy if inferior
start: ax, bx = 1100b, 11b arpl ax,bx => ax = 1111b
### lar
check descriptor and get some parameter if existing
start: cx = cs lar$ eax, ecx => eax = cff300
### ver`*`
check segment accessibility (and readability or writability)
start: cx = cs verr cx => cf = 1
### sysenter
gateway to kernel
start: eax, [esp], edx = 0, @return, esp sysenter => eip = return;...
### setCC
operand = condition ? 1 : 0
start: CF = 1 setc al => al = 1
### setalc
al = cf ? -1 : 0
cf = 1 setalc => al = ff
## OS specifics
## exception triggers
### int3
trigger interrupt 3, like int 3
special one byte encoding, for software breakpoint implementation
### hlt
stops cpu. usually used to trigger PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION
### !IceBp
triggers SINGLE_STEP exception
### ud1-ud2
invalid opcodes. used as exceptions triggers for ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION
### lock
preserve memory content. picky prefix, mostly used to trigger exceptions