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* PartsListPaper/Data S3 Discriminators2D.jl:
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316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions PartsListPaper/Data S3 Discriminators2D.jl
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# %% [markdown]
# # Discriminating with 2D projections

# %%
using OpticLobe

# %%
using NamedArrays, SparseArrays

# %%
using Plots

# %%
using Measures

# %%
using Printf

# %%
using ProgressMeter

# %%
using StatsPlots, StatsBase

# %%
using FreqTables

# %%
using Distances, Clustering

# %%
using MissingsAsFalse

# %%
using OrderedCollections

# %%
#TARGETDIR = "/Users/sseung/Active/v783/Discriminators2D"

# %%
Plots.default(fontfamily = "Helvetica")

# %% [markdown]
# ## projection vectors for cells

# %%
Av = A[:, visualtypes]

# %%
predicates = vcat("in-" .* visualtypes, "out-" .* visualtypes)
normalization = 1 ./ sum(W, dims = 1).array
infrac = Wtc[visualtypes, :].array .* normalization
normalization = 1 ./ sum(W, dims = 2).array
outfrac = Wct[:, visualtypes].array .* normalization
inoutfraction = NamedArray(vcat(infrac, outfrac'), names = (predicates, ind2id))

# %% [markdown]
# ## function definitions

# %%
# scatter plot of input/output fractions for cell inds
function scatterfeature(featureX, featureY, neuropil_class, targettype = nothing)
inds = getindex.(findall(Ao[:, cellclasses[neuropil_class]] .== 1), 1)
if targettype == nothing
scatter(inoutfraction[featureX, inds], inoutfraction[featureY, inds], legend=:none, xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY)
mcolors = fill(palette(:default)[1], length(inds))
mcolors[ind2type[inds] .== targettype] .= palette(:default)[2]
scatter(inoutfraction[featureX, inds], inoutfraction[featureY, inds], legend=:none, xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY, markercolor = mcolors, markerstrokecolor = mcolors)

# %%
# scatter plot of input/output fractions for cell inds
function scatterfeature2(featureX, featureY, neuropil_class, targettype = nothing)
inds = getindex.(findall(Ao[:, cellclasses[neuropil_class]] .== 1), 1)
if targettype == nothing
scatter(inoutfraction[featureX, inds], inoutfraction[featureY, inds], legend=:none, xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY)
istarget = ind2type[inds] .== targettype
scatter(inoutfraction[featureX, inds[.~istarget]], inoutfraction[featureY, inds[.~istarget]], legend=:none, xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY, msc=:auto)
scatter!(inoutfraction[featureX, inds[istarget]], inoutfraction[featureY, inds[istarget]], legend=:none, xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY, msc=:auto)

# %%
# scatter plot of input/output fractions for cell inds
function scatterfeature3(featureX, featureY, backgroundtypes, targettype, thresholdpair = nothing, fscore = nothing)
inds = getindex.(findall(Av[:, backgroundtypes] .== 1), 1)
istarget = ind2type[inds] .== targettype
scatter(inoutfraction[featureX, inds[.~istarget]], inoutfraction[featureY, inds[.~istarget]],
legend = :none,
xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY,
markersize = 2,
if thresholdpair != nothing
if fscore != nothing
annotate!((0.75, 0.9), text(@sprintf("F-score = %3.3f", fscore), "Helvetica"))
scatter!(inoutfraction[featureX, inds[istarget]], inoutfraction[featureY, inds[istarget]],
xlabel = featureX, ylabel=featureY,
markersize = 2

# %%
function histfeature(feature, backgroundtypes, targettype)
inds = getindex.(findall(Av[:, backgroundtypes] .== 1), 1)
istarget = ind2type[inds] .== targettype
groupedhist(inoutfraction[feature, inds], group=istarget, bar_position=:stack, ylim=(0, 20), nbins = 100, legend=:none, xlabel = feature, ylabel = "number of cells")

# %%
function findpredicates(targettype, family, precthreshold, recallthreshold)
prec = NamedArray(zeros(length(predicates), length(thresholds)), names=(predicates, 1:length(thresholds)))
recall = NamedArray(zeros(length(predicates), length(thresholds)), names=(predicates, 1:length(thresholds)))
@mfalse targetinds = ind2type .== targettype
truenum = sum(Ao[:, targettype])
familyinds = getindex.(findall(Ao[:, cellclasses[family]] .== 1), 1)
for (i, thres) in enumerate(thresholds)
tpos = sum(inoutfraction[predicates, targetinds] .> thres, dims=2)[:]
pos = sum(inoutfraction[predicates, familyinds] .> thres, dims=2)[:]
recall[:, i] = tpos./truenum
prec[:, i] = tpos./(eps(Float32) .+ pos)
candidates = findall(recall .> recallthreshold .&& prec .> precthreshold)
return unique(predicates[getindex.(candidates, 1)]), prec, recall

# %%
evaluate precision and recall for discrimination of `targetids` using conjunctions of two thresholded features
`backgroundids` should be superset of `targetids`
`prec[pred1, pred2, i, j]` - precision
`recall[pred1, pred2, i, j]` - recall
function tryconjunctions(targetids, backgroundids, totrythreshold = 0.01, nlevel = 25)
targetinds = id2ind.(targetids)
backgroundinds = id2ind.(backgroundids)

ntarget = length(targetinds)
levels = (nlevel:-1:1)/nlevel

# only try predicates for which inoutfraction averaged over target cells exceeds totrythreshold
totry = filter(x -> mean(inoutfraction[x, targetinds]) .> totrythreshold, predicates)
ntry = length(totry)

prec = zeros(ntry, ntry, nlevel, nlevel)
recall = zeros(ntry, ntry, nlevel, nlevel)

targetfrac = Matrix(inoutfraction[totry, targetinds])
backgroundfrac = Matrix(inoutfraction[totry, backgroundinds])

maxthreshold = mean(targetfrac, dims=2) # maximum value of threshold in conjunctions

@showprogress for k = 1:ntry
thresholds1 = maxthreshold[k]*levels
for l = 1:k
thresholds2 = maxthreshold[l]*levels
for (i, thres1) in enumerate(thresholds1)
targetthres1 = targetfrac[k, :] .> thres1
backgroundthres1 = backgroundfrac[k, :] .> thres1
for (j, thres2) in enumerate(thresholds2)
tpos = sum(targetfrac[l, targetthres1] .> thres2)
pos = sum(backgroundfrac[l, backgroundthres1] .> thres2)
recall[k, l, i, j] = tpos/ntarget
prec[k, l, i, j] = pos > 0 ? tpos/pos : 0
return prec, recall, totry, maxthreshold

# %%
evaluate precision and recall for discrimination of `targetids` using conjunctions of two thresholded features
`backgroundids` should be superset of `targetids`
`prec[pred1, pred2, i, j]` - precision
`recall[pred1, pred2, i, j]` - recall
# slower version but easier to understand?
function tryconjunctions2(targetids, backgroundids, totrythreshold = 0.01, nlevel = 25)
targetinds = id2ind.(targetids)
backgroundinds = id2ind.(backgroundids)

ntarget = length(targetinds)
levels = (nlevel:-1:1)/nlevel

# only try predicates for which inoutfraction averaged over target cells exceeds totrythreshold
totry = filter(x -> mean(inoutfraction[x, targetinds]) .> totrythreshold, predicates)
ntry = length(totry)

prec = zeros(ntry, ntry, nlevel, nlevel)
recall = zeros(size(prec))
thresholds1 = zeros(size(prec))
thresholds2 = zeros(size(prec))

targetfrac = Matrix(inoutfraction[totry, targetinds])
backgroundfrac = Matrix(inoutfraction[totry, backgroundinds])

maxthreshold = mean(targetfrac, dims=2) # maximum value of threshold in conjunctions

@showprogress for i = 1:nlevel
for k = 1:ntry
thres1 = maxthreshold[k]*levels[i]
targetthres1 = targetfrac[k, :] .> thres1
backgroundthres1 = backgroundfrac[k, :] .> thres1
for j = 1:nlevel
for l = 1:ntry
thres2 = maxthreshold[l]*levels[j]
thresholds1[k, l, i, j] = thres1
thresholds2[k, l, i, j] = thres2
tpos = sum(targetfrac[l, targetthres1] .> thres2)
pos = sum(backgroundfrac[l, backgroundthres1] .> thres2)
recall[k, l, i, j] = tpos/ntarget
prec[k, l, i, j] = pos > 0 ? tpos/pos : 0
return prec, recall, totry, maxthreshold

# %% [markdown]
# ## example in Figure S3c

# %%
# example in paper
scatterfeature3( "out-TmY3", "in-C3", family2types["Pm"], "Pm04"),
# fontfamily = "Helvetica",
title = "Pm04",
fontsize = 14,
tickfontsize = 12,
size = (400, 400)

# %%
savefig("Fig S3c example 2D discriminator.pdf")

# %% [markdown]
# ## 2D discriminators for all families that contain more than one type, excluding photoreceptors

# %%
for (familyname, typenames) in family2types
if length(typenames) > 1 && !startswith(familyname, "R")
println(familyname, " ", length(typenames))

# %%
nlevel = 25
npanel = 25
for (familyname, typenames) in family2types
if length(typenames) > 1 && !startswith(familyname, "R")
familyids = vcat(type2ids.(typenames)...)

for targettype in typenames
@mfalse targetids = type2ids(targettype)
prec, recall, totry, maxthreshold = tryconjunctions(targetids, familyids, 0.01, nlevel)

Fscore = 2*prec.*recall
valid = Fscore .> 0
Fscore[valid] = Fscore[valid]./(prec[valid] .+ recall[valid])
vals, inds = findmax(Fscore, dims=(3, 4))
vals = vals[:, :, 1, 1]
inds = inds[:, :, 1, 1]

rankedlist = sort([[vals[i, j], [i, j]] for i=1:length(totry) for j=1:i], rev=true)

desiredlist = rankedlist[1:npanel]

thresholdindexpair = [collect(Tuple(inds[i, j])[3:4]) for i=1:length(totry), j=1:length(totry)]

thresholdvaluepair = [maxthreshold[item[2]].*(nlevel .+ 1 .- thresholdindexpair[item[2]...])/nlevel for item in desiredlist]

[scatterfeature3(totry[desiredlist[i][2]]..., typenames, targettype, thresholdvaluepair[i], desiredlist[i][1]) for i=1:npanel]...,
size=(2200, 2000),
plot_title = targettype,
left_margin = 10mm,
right_margin = 10mm,
savefig(joinpath(TARGETDIR, "$targettype.pdf"))

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