A very lightweight visual odometry with local bundle adjustment (BA).
- Test running on kitti dataset. Processing each frames with 20 ms.
- Test running on DJI M300 front stereo camera, the video is recorded around Concordia University, Montreal, CA.
- Mapping with octomap.
- Green frame indicates current camera pose, while the red and black point clouds are the active and inactive landmarks respectively.
- Stereo Camera based visual odometry.
- LK optical flow is used to track the keypoints.
- Lost tracking then relocate.
- Insert keyframes according to the keypoints number.
- Local bundle adjustment.
optimization in local bundle adjustment and frontend camera pose estimation.
basic matrix operations and Lie Algebra operations.
general image processing methods and basic data structures.
Integrate with forest fire detection system to locate in GPS denied environments.
"14 Lectures on Visual SLAM: From Theory to Practice" Xiang Gao