This repo is based on the following papers:
NOTE: Most of the code is inspired and/or collected and/or modified from various github repositories on the above 2 models. I thank the corresponding authors.
- QA Net Python 2 implementation of NLP Learn Community
- R-Net of NLP Learn Community
- R-Net of JKUST-KnowComp
- Installation
- Training
- Evaluation
- Prediction or Demo
- Tensorboard
There are few python 3 packages which needs to installed to use this package.
- tensorflow or tensorflow-gpu(recommended when GPU is available)
- numpy
- tqdm
- bottle
- codecs
- spacy
All the prerequisites have been stored in requirements.txt file. Run the following command to install the packages (assuming pip here is pip3).
pip install -r requirements.txt
# if this doesn't work on the server due to proxy errors - run the following
https_proxy= pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following commands in the terminal to download the required datasets and embeddings files
# download SQuAD dataset and Glove embeddings
Note: If the above doesn't work because of proxy errors, run the following commands:
# Download SQuAD
mkdir -p $SQUAD_DIR
https_proxy= wget -O $SQUAD_DIR/train-v1.1.json
https_proxy= wget -O $SQUAD_DIR/dev-v1.1.json
# Download GloVe
mkdir -p $GLOVE_DIR
https_proxy= wget -O $GLOVE_DIR/
# # Download Spacy language models
python3 -m spacy download en
Now the data will be stored in ./datasets folder with minimum of the following subfolders:
- glove
- squad
Run the following python script after an environment has been created with required prerequisite python 3 packages
python --mode preprocess
Now the preprocessed data will be stored in ./data folder
- The following commands are the ones we use to train/test/debug or demo the model
python --mode debug/train/test/demo
- To use custom parameters, run the above command with the command line optional parameters like or =. An example to run with different num of steps than default is:
python --mode train --num_steps 120000
All the optional parameters are defined in the get_flags function in
Model running will take time.
Use the following file to evaluate the model predictions
python ~/data/squad/dev-v1.1.json train/{model_location}/answer/answer.json
- In order to use demo, we need to migrate the server port, so use this command to login if you working on a remote server.
ssh -L 16006: <username>@
This command migrates the default port to 16006 port of server.
Once this is done we can run the following command to start the demo.
python --mode demo
Enter the passage and question and click the get answer button to get the answer.
To view the model in tensorboard, first login using the following command.
ssh -L 16006: <username>@
The go to the model folder and then events folder.
tensorboard --logdir=./