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This page is documentation for the Maps API for BeatSaver. All methods return an object with a status and data property. The data property always returns the raw api data when the call is successful. This might change in later versions. Wrapper is imported as bsAPI in all examples. For more information refer to responses.
Returns when the library runs into an unhandled error. This only raises an error when debug is enabled/in the beta branch. This behaviour is disabled in the release/main branch. When debug is disabled it returns an unhandlederror status and the error data in the data property. Please report these unhandled errors into the issue tracker in the project repository.
Returns when the library runs into some kind of network error. Also returns error data in the data property.
- ERR_BAD_REQUEST (not always)
Returns information about the map with the ID that is provided.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
id | string | ID for map. | yes |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
invalidid | error | string | Returns when ID is empty or null. | id |
false | error | boolean | Returns when map with provided ID is not found. | |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when map has been found. |
Example ID:
- ID 9e11: PhaseOne - Digital (ft. Periphery) mapped by nitronik.exe (https://beatsaver.com/maps/9e11)
var response = await bsAPI.getMapInfo("9e11");
Refer to responses page. Response data type: MapDetail
Returns all maps that are in the provided array. Doesn't fail when some IDs are invalid.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
idList | array | Array of map IDs. | Array can't have more than 50 IDs. | yes |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
notanarray | error | string | Returns when the provided parameter is not an array. | idList |
emptyarray | error | string | Returns when the provided array is empty. | idList |
toolargearray | error | string | Returns when the provided array has more than 50 IDs. | idList |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when the provided array has no valid map IDs. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when the provided array has valid map IDs. |
Example IDs:
- ID 9e11: PhaseOne - Digital (ft. Periphery) mapped by nitronik.exe (https://beatsaver.com/maps/9e11)
- ID 36693: Aweminus - ClublandLV mapped by spinposts (https://beatsaver.com/maps/36693)
var response = await bsAPI.getMapInfoFromList(["9e11", "36693"]);
Refer to responses page. Response data type: MapDetail
Returns all maps that are in the provided array. Similar to getMapInfoFromList() but uses map hashes instead of map IDs. Also doesn't fail when there are some invalid hashes.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
hashList | array | Array of map hashes. | Array can't have more than 50 hashes. | yes |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
notanarray | error | string | Returns when the provided parameter is not an array. | hashList |
emptyarray | error | string | Returns when the provided array is empty. | hashList |
toolargearray | error | string | Returns when the provided array has more than 50 hashes. | hashList |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when the provided array has no valid map hashes. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when the provided array has valid map hashes. |
Example hashes:
- Hash 60BD62BD5F0D2555BB001D5EA3D8E28FEC6F07CE: PhaseOne - Digital (ft. Periphery) mapped by nitronik.exe (https://beatsaver.com/maps/9e11)
- Hash 585302A75BA65628296B3029705A76DEC4D5A02B: Venjent - Create Machines mapped by Tsunami_Pro (https://beatsaver.com/maps/311cf)
var response = await bsAPI.getMapInfoFromHashList(["60BD62BD5F0D2555BB001D5EA3D8E28FEC6F07CE", "585302A75BA65628296B3029705A76DEC4D5A02B"]);
Refer to responses page. Response data type: MapDetail
Returns maps created by user linked to the userID.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
userID | number | Registered user's userID on BeatSaver. | Cannot be more than 9 characters. | yes | |
page | number | Page of the user's created maps. | Cannot be more than 18 characters. | no | 0 |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
invalidid | error | string | Returns when userID is not a number. | userID |
toolongid | error | string | Returns when userID is longer than 9 characters. | userID |
toolongpage | error | string | Returns when page is longer than 18 characters. | page |
invalidpage | error | string | Returns when page is not a number. | page |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when user's maps couldn't be found. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when user's maps had been found. |
Example userID:
- userID 58338: Joetastic (https://beatsaver.com/profile/58338)
var response = await bsAPI.getMapsFromUserID(58338, 0);
Refer to responses page. Response data type: SearchResponse
Returns maps that the user linked to the userID contributed to.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
userID | number | Registered user's userID on Beatsaver. | Cannot be more than 9 characters. | yes | |
pageSize | number | Number of maps to return. | Cannot be more than 9 characters. | no | 20 |
before | string | Return maps before this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00 | Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. | no | null |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
invalidid | error | string | Returns when userID is not a number. | userID |
toolongid | error | string | Returns when userID is longer than 9 characters. | userID |
toolongpagesize | error | string | Returns when pageSize is longer than 9 characters. | pageSize |
invalidpagesize | error | string | Returns when pageSize is not a number. | pageSize |
invaliddate | error | string | Returns when before date isn't in the correct format. | before |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when no maps are found. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when maps had been found. |
Example userID:
- userID 58338: Joetastic (https://beatsaver.com/profile/58338)
var response = await bsAPI.getCollaborationMapsFromUserID(58338, 20, "2021-10-20T15:30:00+00:00");
Refer to responses page. Response data type: SearchResponse
Returns the latest maps according to the filters.
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
after | string | Return maps after this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00 | Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. | no | null |
before | string | Return maps before this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00 | Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. | no | null |
automapper | boolean | Include maps that are created using an auto mapper. | no | null | |
pageSize | number | Number of maps to return. | Cannot be more than 9 characters. | no | 20 |
sort | string | Sort maps by sort options. (FIRST_PUBLISHED, UPDATED, LAST_PUBLISHED, CREATED, CURATED) | Must be one of the provided sort options. | no | null |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
invalidautomapper | error | string | Returns when automapper is not a boolean. | automapper |
invalidbeforedate | error | string | Returns when before date isn't in the correct format. | before |
invalidafterdate | error | string | Returns when after date isn't in the correct format. | after |
invalidpagesize | error | string | Returns when pageSize is not a number. | pageSize |
toolongpagesize | error | string | Returns when pageSize is longer than 9 characters. | pageSize |
invalidsort | error | string | Returns when sort is not one of the valid sort options. | sort |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when no maps are found. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when maps had been found. |
var response = await bsAPI.getLatestMaps("2021-10-20T15:30:00+00:00", "2022-10-20T15:30:00+00:00", false, 20, "FIRST_PUBLISHED");
Refer to responses page. Response data type: SearchResponse
Returns maps by play count. (Not currently tracked according to the api docs.)
Parameters | Type | Explanation | Limitations | Required | Default value |
page | number | Page of the returned maps. | Cannot be more than 18 characters. | no | 0 |
Status | Status type | Type | Explanation | Related parameter |
invalidpage | error | string | Returns when page is not a number. | page |
toolongpage | error | string | Returns when page is longer than 18 characters. | page |
fetcherror | error | string | Refer to fetcherror in common return values. | |
unhandlederror | error | string | Refer to unhandederror in common return values. | |
false | error | boolean | Returns when no maps are found on the current page. | |
true | success | boolean | Returns when maps had been found on the current page. |
var response = await bsAPI.getMapsByPlayCount(0);
Refer to responses page. Response data type: SearchResponse