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Martin Magyar edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 7 revisions


This page is documentation for the Playlists API for BeatSaver. All methods return an object with a status and data property. The data property always returns the raw api data when the call is successful. This might change in later versions. Wrapper is imported as bsAPI in all examples. For more information refer to responses.

Common return values


Returns when the library runs into an unhandled error. This only raises an error when debug is enabled/in the beta branch. This behaviour is disabled in the release/main branch. When debug is disabled it returns an unhandlederror status and the error data in the data property. Please report these unhandled errors into the issue tracker in the project repository.


Returns when the library runs into some kind of network error. Also returns error data in the data property.

Currently catched network errors

  • ERR_BAD_REQUEST (not always)



Gets latest uploaded playlists. You can also specify before and after dates and sort options.


Parameters Type Explanation Limitations Required Default value
before string Return maps created before this date. Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. no null
after string Return maps created after this date. Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. no null
sort string Sort maps by sort option. (UPDATED, SONGS_UPDATED, CREATED) Must be one of the provided sort options. no null


Status Status type Type Explanation Related parameter
invalidbeforedate error string Returns when before date is not in the correct format. before
invalidafterdate error string Returns when after date is not in the correct format. after
invalidsort error string Returns when sort is not one of the provided sort options. sort
fetcherror error string Refer to fetcherror in common return values.
unhandlederror error string Refer to unhandederror in common return values.
false error string Returns if no playlists are found.
true success string Returns if playlists are found.



var response = await bsAPI.getLatestPlaylists("2022-10-20T15:30:00+00:00", "2020-10-20T15:30:00+00:00", "UPDATED");


Refer to responses page. Response data type: PlaylistSearchResponse


Searches playlists according to filters on BeatSaver. For some reason the API doesn't care about the dates and the max and minNps. This is a problem with the API not the wrapper because I tried it in the Swagger UI and it also didn't work. If you know the problem or the problem is fixed please open an issue or contact me.


Parameters Type Explanation Limitations Required Default value
page number Page of the search results. Cannot be more than 18 characters. no 0
query string Search query for playlists. no null
filters object Filters for playlist searches. Can only be as the provided format. no null

Filters usage

Parameters Type Explanation Limitations Required Default value
curated boolean Whether the playlist is curated. no
includeEmpty boolean Whether it should return empty playlists. no
verified boolean Whether the playlist is verified. no
from string Return playlists created after this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00 Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. no
to string Return playlists created before this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00 Minimum year is 1970 and maximum is 9999. no
maxNps number Maximum nps of a playlist. no
minNps number Minimum nps of a playlist. no
sortOrder string Order playlists by sort option. Can only be these options: Latest, Relevance, Rating, Curated no


Status Status type Type Explanation Related parameter
invalidcurated error string Returns when curated is not a boolean. curated
invalidincludeempty error string Returns when includeEmpty is not a boolean. includeEmpty
invalidverified error string Returns when verified is not a boolean. verified
invalidfromdate error string Returns when from date is not in the correct format. from
invalidtodate error string Returns when to date is not in the correct format. to
invalidmaxnps error string Returns when maxNps is not a number. maxNps
invalidminnps error string Returns when minNps is not a number. minNps
invalidpage error string Returns when page is not a number. page
toolongpage error string Returns when page is longer than 18 characters. page
invalidquery error string Returns when query is not a string or empty. query
invalidsortorder error string Returns when sortOrder is not one of the provided sort options. (Latest, Relevance, Rating, Curated) sortOrder
fetcherror error string Refer to fetcherror in common return values.
unhandlederror error string Refer to unhandederror in common return values.
false error boolean Returns when no playlists are found with the filters/on the current page/with the query.
true success boolean Returns when there are playlists found with the filters/on the current page/with the query.



var response = await bsAPI.searchPlaylists(0, "test", {
    curated: false,
    includeEmpty: false,
    verified: false,
    from: "2020-10-20T15:30:00+00:00",
    to: "2022-10-20T15:30:00+00:00",
    maxNps: 2,
    minNps: 1,
    sortOrder: "Latest",


Refer to responses page. Response data type: PlaylistSearchResponse


Gets playlist by playlist ID.


Parameters Type Explanation Limitations Required Default value
playlistID number ID for playlist on BeatSaver. Cannot be more than 9 characters. yes
page number Page of the results. Cannot be more than 18 characters. no 0


Status Status type Type Explanation Related parameter
invalidid error string Returns when playlistID is not a number. playlistID
invalidpage error string Returns when page is not a number. page
toolongid error string Returns when playlistID is longer than 9 characters. playlistID
toolongpage error string Returns when page is longer than 18 characters. page
fetcherror error string Refer to fetcherror in common return values.
unhandlederror error string Refer to unhandederror in common return values.
false error boolean Returns when no playlist has been found with the ID.
true success boolean Returns when playlist has been found with the ID.



Example playlistID:

var response = await bsAPI.getPlaylistByID(82685, 0);


Refer to responses page. Response data type: PlaylistPage


Gets all playlists created by the user linked to the userID.


Parameters Type Explanation Limitations Required Default value
userID number ID for user on BeatSaver. Cannot be more than 9 characters. yes
page number Page of the results. Cannot be more than 18 characters. no 0


Status Status type Type Explanation Related parameter
invalidid error string Returns when userID is not a number. userID
invalidpage error string Returns when page is not a number. page
toolongid error string Returns when userID is longer than 9 characters. userID
toolongpage error string Returns when page is longer than 18 characters. page
fetcherror error string Refer to fetcherror in common return values.
unhandlederror error string Refer to unhandederror in common return values.
false error string Returns when no playlists have been found or the user doesn't exist.
true success string Returns when playlists have been found.



Example userID:

var response = await bsAPI.getPlaylistsByUserID(5122, 0);


Refer to responses page. Response data type: PlaylistSearchResponse