Topographer 0.2 - 4/16/2012
Block colors can now vary by biome. New format for Blocks.txt:
blockId[:dataValue][,additionalIds];[optional comma-separated biome ids;]6-8 digit hex color code [aa]rrggbb #optional comment
Now handles transparency correctly. For exapmle, water gets darker the deeper it is.
Made some features optional.
Whether biomes are considered when looking up block color, or if the default, biome-independent color for that block should be used.
Whether height should be indicated by making areas ligher or darker.
Whether transparent blocks should simply be displayed opaque.
Added ability to render a color-coded biome map instead of the normal terrain map.
Colors are read from Biomes.txt. The format for each line: comma-separated biome ids;6 digit hex color code rrggbb #optional comment
Added a few keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl + O to open a world.
ESC to exit the program.
Added support for upcoming changes to world directory structure.
Fixed End region directory not being found.
You can’t perform that action at this time.