Releases: mojontwins/MK1
Cosas y casos. Muchas historias pequeñas. Código fuente de Imposamal. Y cosas que no recuerdo.
Big, big release!
MK1 now compiles using the latest z88dk nightly build as opposed to previous versions which required a rather old z88dk 1.10 from 2010. This means that now code is cleaner, C to ASM translation is better, binaries are smaller and everything is now generally better.
If this is too big a change for you you can still use the old toolchain. Just get v5.8.
msc3mk1 referenciaba la estructura ctimer.X en lugar de las nuevas globales timer_X (vestigio de la versión 3.99.x). Se corrige para esta versión.
Igualmente se fuerza asm_int
a memoria baja para permitir binarios grandes que usen scripting en modo 128K.
Un par de arreglitos para poder cambiar MAX_ENEMS y que funcione. Se añade MIN_FAPS_PER_FRAME.
Integración con Arkos Player 1.0 por Greenweb basándose en la integración de Syx para Pentacorn Quest.
Fixed msc3_mk1 so it generates proper code for DECORATIONS if you are in 128K mode putting your scripts in extra RAM.
Merged a PR by suborb with tiny changes which make the adaptation to newer Z88DKs easier. Just check
Minor fixes. Proper 128K multilevel + scripting docs & examples coming soon!
Added support for 128K multilevel games using scripting. Wrote some crappy documentation (draft) in the tutorial, chapter 17.