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TimotheeGreg edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 11 revisions

import [ binary | tiles | sprites | map | code | screen] <file> [bank=0 x=0 y=0 w=0 h=0 vbank=0]


  • <file> input file name.
  • binary
  • tiles | sprites to import an image as tiles or sprites at position x, y.
  • map to import an image as map at position x, y (map coordinates).
  • code to import a text file as code.
  • screen to import an image as cover image.


Import code/images from an external file (not a cart).

Use load to import code/sprites/music/… from another cart.

Importing Images

Put your file to import in the TIC-80/ folder and not the folder where your exe file is. Find the TIC-80 folder by typing folder in the console.

While importing images, colors are merged to the closest color of the palette.
For example, with default palette, this image:




Note that if the palette is all black (like default bank1) the imported image will be all black.

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