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Cort edited this page Sep 10, 2023 · 32 revisions
  • key(code) -> is_pressed
  • key() -> is_any_pressed


  • code : the key code to check (1..65), see the table below or type help keys in console.


  • pressed : a Boolean value which indicates whether or not the specified key is currently pressed.
  • is_any_pressed : If no keycode is specified, returns a Boolean value indicating if any key is pressed.


Letters Digits Characters Edits Directions Modifiers Function Keys Numeric Keypad
01 = A 27 = 0 37 = MINUS 50 = RETURN 54 = PAGEUP 62 = CAPSLOCK 66 = ESC 79 = NUMPAD0
02 = B 28 = 1 38 = EQUALS 51 = BACKSPACE 55 = PAGEDOWN 63 = CTRL 67 = F1 80 = NUMPAD1
03 = C 29 = 2 39 = LEFTBRACKET 52 = DELETE 56 = HOME 64 = SHIFT 68 = F2 81 = NUMPAD2
04 = D 30 = 3 40 = RIGHTBRACKET 53 = INSERT 57 = END 65 = ALT 69 = F3 82 = NUMPAD3
05 = E 31 = 4 41 = BACKSLASH 58 = UP 70 = F4 83 = NUMPAD4
06 = F 32 = 5 42 = SEMICOLON 59 = DOWN 71 = F5 84 = NUMPAD5
07 = G 33 = 6 43 = APOSTROPHE 60 = LEFT 72 = F6 85 = NUMPAD6
08 = H 34 = 7 44 = GRAVE 61 = RIGHT 73 = F7 86 = NUMPAD7
09 = I 35 = 8 45 = COMMA 74 = F8 87 = NUMPAD8
10 = J 36 = 9 46 = PERIOD 75 = F9 88 = NUMPAD9
11 = K 47 = SLASH 76 = F10 89 = NUMPADPLUS
12 = L 48 = SPACE 77 = F11 90 = NUMPADMINUS
13 = M 49 = TAB 78 = F12 91 = NUMPADMULTIPLY
17 = Q
18 = R
19 = S
20 = T
21 = U
22 = V
23 = W
24 = X
25 = Y
26 = Z
| ESC |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |  F6  |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |  F11 |  F12 |
.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.  .----------------------.  .------------------------------.
|  `  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  0  |  -  |  =  |  Backsps  |  |  Ins  |  Home | PgUp |  | NumLck | NP/ | NP* |   NP-   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  |----------------------|  |------------------------------|
|  Tab   |  Q  |  W  |  E  |  R  |  T  |  Y  |  U  |  I  |  O  |  P  |  [  |  ]  |   \    |  |  Del  |  End  | PgDn |  |   NP7  | NP8 | NP9 |   NP+   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  '----------------------'  |--------------------|         |
|  CapsLck  |  A  |  S  |  D  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  ;  |  '  |    Enter  |                            |   NP4  | NP5 | NP6 |         |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|          .-------.         |------------------------------|
|  Shift       |  Z  |  X  |  C  |  V  |  B  |  N  |  M  |  ,  |  .  |  /  |       Shift  |          |   Up  |         |   NP1  | NP2 | NP3 | NPEnter | 
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  .----------------------.  |--------------------|         |
|  Ctrl  |  Alt  |                                                       |  Alt  |  Ctrl  |  |  Left |  Down | Rght |  |       NP0    | NP. |         |
'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'  '----------------------'  '------------------------------'


The function returns true if the key denoted by keycode is pressed otherwise it returns false.

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