CodAn (Coding sequence Annotator) is a computational tool designed to characterize the CDS and UTR regions on transcripts from any Eukaryote species.
Download and decompress the CodAn.tar.gz file and add the bin directory to your PATH:
tar -xf CodAn.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:path/to/CodAn/bin/
or git clone the CodAn repository and add the bin directory to your PATH:
git clone
export PATH=$PATH:path/to/CodAn/bin/
, and copy the "tops-viterbi_decoding" to the bin folder cp for_MacOS_users/tops-viterbi_decoding path/to/CodAn/bin/
- Python3 and Biopython
apt-get install python3-biopython
- Perl, Bioperl and MCE (libmce-perl)
apt-get install bioperl libmce-perl
- NCBI-BLAST (v2.9.0 or above)
Ensure that all requirements are working properly.
If the user wants to install CodAn and all dependencies using Conda environment, follow the steps below:
- Create the environment:
conda create -n codan_env python=3.7 biopython perl perl-bioperl perl-mce blast
- Git clone the CodAn repository and add to your PATH:
git clone
export PATH=$PATH:path/to/CodAn/bin/
- It may be needed to apply "execution permission" to all bin executables:
chmod 777 path/to/CodAn/bin/*
- Then, run CodAn as described in the "Usage" section.
- To activate the environment to run CodAn just use the command:
conda activate codan_env
- To deactivate the environment just use the command:
conda deactivate
CodAn can be installed with Conda by using the command: conda install -c bioconda codan
The user can also create an environment with the command: conda create -n codan_env -c bioconda codan
. Then, activate the environment conda activate codan_env
to run CodAn in Linux and MacOS systems.
- Please, notice that the Conda installation of CodAn does not download the models used in predictions. Download the model specific to your usage here or using
and decompress the model (by usingunzip
or other tool) to be set in the-m
If the user takes advantage of Docker in its system, we have a pre-built Dockerfile that allows an easy build and containerization of CodAn. Just follow the steps below:
- Git clone CodAn repository (
git clone
) and change to CodAn directory (cd CodAn
) - Build the container:
docker build -t codan:v1.0 .
(It may take a few minutes) - In your working directory (the transcript file should be in there), enter in the container shell:
docker run -v $PWD:/project --rm -it codan:v1.0
- Just run CodAn by indicating one of the models to the
option:-m /app/CodAn/models/{VERT|INV|PLANTS|FUNGI}_{full|partial}
- The command line must be similar to -t transcripts.fa -m /app/CodAn/models/MODEL_full/ -o output_folder
The user may also pull CodAn container direct from the Docker repository following the steps below:
- Pull CodAn container:
docker pull pedronachtigall/codan:latest
- Run CodAn container:
docker run -v $PWD:/project --rm -it pedronachtigall/codan:latest
- Please, notice that you should be in the folder containing your transcripts file
- Use a command line similar to -t transcripts.fa -m /app/CodAn/models/MODEL_full/ -o output_folder
to run CodAn and perform its predictions
The predictive models are available in the subfolder "models". The folder contains all models designed for Eukaryote species (i.e., Fungi, Plants and Animals [Invertebrates and Vertebrates]). The models were designed to be used in Full-Length or Partial transcripts.
Download the model specific to your necessities, as described at the "models" folder, decompress the model file (using unzip
), and indicate the decompressed model path in the -m
For example, if you are working with Full-Length transcripts generated from any vertebrate species and will perform the CDS prediction using the Vertebrate Full model.
- Download the VERT_full model
- Decompress the model:
- Indicate the decompressed model to the
option:-m path/to/VERT_full
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t file, --transcripts=file
Mandatory - input transcripts file (FASTA format),
-m model, --model=model
Mandatory - path to model, /path/to/model
-s string, --strand=string
Optional - strand of sequence to predict genes (plus,
minus or both) [default=both]
-c int, --cpu=int Optional - number of threads to be used [default=1]
-o folder, --output=folder
Optional - path to output folder,
/path/to/output/folder/ if not declared, it will be
created at the transcripts input folder
-b proteinDB, --blastdb=proteinDB
Optional - path to blastDB of known protein sequences,
-H int, --HSP=int Optional - used in the "-qcov_hsp_perc" option of
blastx [default=80]
Basic usage (predict CDS): -t transcripts.fa -o output_folder -m model
Alternative usage (predict CDS and perform BLAST search in specific DB to annotated predicted genes based on similarity): -t transcripts.fa -o output_folder -m model -b blast_DB
To run this optional step, just indicate a specific protein DB mounted using the makeblastdb
function from the NCBI-BLAST approach.
The user can download the pre-mounted protein DBs, such as swissprot (
Follow the instructions in the quick tutorial to learn how to use CodAn and interpret the results.
If you use or discuss CodAn, please cite:
Nachtigall et al. (2020) CodAn: predictive models for precise identification of coding regions in Eukaryotic transcripts. Briefings in bioinformatics. DOI:
To report bugs, to ask for help and to give any feedback, please contact Pedro G. Nachtigall: [email protected]
[Q1] What OS do I need to use CodAn?
- We tested CodAn in Ubuntu 16 and 18. Moreover, we tested CodAn in MacOS Mojave and Catalina, but the user need to download the "tops-viterbi_decoding" compiled to macOS to replace the default "tops-viterbi_decoding" as described in the "Installation" section. In this sense, we believe that CodAn should work on any UNIX OS able to have all dependencies necessary to run CodAn.
[Q2] How long does codan need to run an analysis with a set of 200,000 sequences?
- By using 1 thread, the estimated time to analyze 200,000 sequences with CodAn is around 53 minutes. If the user has more threads available for use, which can be set with the option
-c N
(where N in the number of threads), the processing time will decrease proportionally as the number of threads being used (e.g., if the user has 6 threads available for the analysis [option-c 6
], the processing time of 200,000 sequences will be around 16 minutes). The running time measurement was performed using a personal computer (6-Core i7 with 16Gb memory).
[Q3] I am trying to run CodAn on a server and I am not the admin. How can I install all dependencies without using apt
- You can follow the instructions to use Conda environments.
- OR, try to install the required perl and python modules following the commands below:
- Install MCE and Bioperl modules through CPAN (it will install the modules locally):
perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install MCE cpan> install MCE::Mutex cpan> install Bio::SeqIO cpan> install Bio::DB::Fasta cpan> exit
- Install Biopython module through pip:
pip install biopython
- Install MCE and Bioperl modules through CPAN (it will install the modules locally):
[Q4] CodAn is making 0 predictions in the test set. What to do?
Ensure that all modules are working properly
- go to the CodAn folder and run each module separetly as follow:
- tops-viterbi-decoding
$tops-viterbi_decoding tops-viterbi_decoding: ToPS version "master 00f9ed6" Allowed options: -h [ --help ] produce help message -m [ --model ] arg a decodable model -F [ --fasta ] use fasta format
- predict
$predict ERROR: missing fasta file name ! USAGE: predict [-g <genome> | -t <transcriptome> | -z <local transcriptome predictor> | -s <local genome predictor] -f <fasta file> [-c <number of cpu>]
- CodAn
$ _____ _ ___ / __ \ | |/ _ \ | / \/ ___ __| / /_\ \_ __ | | / _ \ / _` | _ | '_ \ | \__/\ (_) | (_| | | | | | | | \____/\___/ \__,_\_| |_/_| |_| >>>> CodAn v1.0 September 2019 <<<< ****Use -h for help!**** BASIC USAGE (find CDS and UTR sequences): -t transcripts.fa -o output_folder -m model_folder ALTERNATIVE USAGE (predict CDS and UTR sequences and perform BLAST search in specific DB to annotated predicted genes based on similarity): -t transcripts.fa -o output_folder -m model_folder -b blast_DB
- if any different messages print at your terminal, you have problems with the dependencies, try to re-install them.
Ensure that the headers don't have symbols such as ":" or "|" or " "(space).
The Bio::DB::Fasta library is responsible for creating the .index. It can't process a fasta file with lines containing more than 65,536 characters. So, if you have any large sequence in one unique line, do the following:
- download the script
- run BreakLines script:
python3 input.fasta output_breaklines.fasta
- use the "output_breaklines.fasta" to run CodAn.
[Q5] How can I translate the partial CDSs predicted by the CodAn PARTIAL models?
- You can download the script partialCDS.fa partialCDS_peptide.fa