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mba105 edited this page Sep 21, 2014 · 5 revisions

Home > [Scripting Reference](Scripting Reference) > kind


The kind function sets the kind of binary object being created by the project, such as a console or windowed application, or a shared or static library.

kind ("kind")

Applies To

Solutions, projects, and configurations.


kind is one of the following string identifiers:

  • ConsoleApp: A console or command-line application.
  • WindowedApp: An application which runs in a desktop window. This distinction does not apply on Linux, but is important on Windows and Mac OS X.
  • SharedLib: A shared library or DLL.
  • StaticLib: A static library.


Set the project to build a command-line executable.

kind "ConsoleApp"

Set the project to build a shared library (DLL).

kind "SharedLib"

Build either a static or a shared library, depending on the selected build configuration.

solution "MySolution"
   configurations { "DebugLib", "DebugDLL", "ReleaseLib", "ReleaseDLL" }

project "MyProject"

   configuration "*Lib"
      kind "StaticLib"

   configuration "*DLL"
      kind "SharedLib"
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