Note that this repository is experimental (deprecated since Metavision SDK >v2.1.0).
This metapackage contains ROS stereo driver based on a wrapper around Metavision SDK Driver Module.
It offers the follosing ROS nodes:
- prophesee_ros_stereo_publisher - publishing data from Prophesee sensors to ROS topics
- prophesee_ros_stereo_viewer - listening data from ROS topics and visualizing them on a screen
Supported Prophesee EVK:
- stereo event-based only
First of all, install Metavision SDK following these instructions.
Then, compile the wrapper code:
Clone the source to your catkin workspace ( create a workspace, if needed)
cd catkin_ws/src git clone git clone cd ..
Source the workspace
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To publish data from Prophesee stereo camera to ROS topics:
Update serial numbers of your stereo cameras in prophesee_stereo_publisher.launch file (if not done yet)
- Find the serial numbers of your cameras
- either on the camera itself (only the last digits are given, therefore, complete them with zeros up to 8 digits)
- or via metavision_platform_info tool
- Update the serial numbers in prophesee_stereo_publisher.launch file using any editor
- Find the serial numbers of your cameras
launch the Stereo Publisher
roslaunch prophesee_ros_stereo_driver prophesee_stereo_publisher.launch
The following topics will be published:
- /prophesee/camera_left/camera_info - info about the left camera
- /prophesee/camera_left/cd_events_buffer - buffer of CD (Change Detection) events from the left camera
- /prophesee/camera_right/camera_info - info about the right camera
- /prophesee/camera_right/cd_events_buffer - buffer of CD (Change Detection) events from the right camera
To visualize data from ROS topics:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_stereo_driver prophesee_stereo_viewer.launch
The code is open to contributions, thus do not hesitate to propose pull requests or create/fix bug reports. In case of any issue, please add it here on GitHub. For any other information contact us here