Releases: robotology/robots-configuration
What's Changed
- [iCubErzelli01 and 02] New head yaw and thumb distal calibrations by @AntonioConsilvio in #676
- Set
for ergoCubSN00* by @pattacini in #677 - Fix ergoCub ankle roll motor types by @pattacini in #678
- Fix MAIS id's by @pattacini in #680
- Devel ergo cub sn001 by @pattacini in #681
- iCubGenova11 - Adjust wrist pronosup limits by @martinaxgloria in #683
- ergoCubSN001-002: Update amcbdlc and amc versions by @mfussi66 in #684
- Add files for 3encoders setup aksim+amo by @MSECode in #685
- Lego setup for two motors using an
and aamcbldc
by @SanLordKevin in #686 - CFW2CAN robots moved to icebox by @pattacini in #687
- iCubErzelli02 - align left camera conf file to use COLOR by @martinaxgloria in #688
- neckmk3_2joints experimental setup by @SanLordKevin in #689
- Devel ergocub sn000 by @pattacini in #690
- Devel ergocub sn001 by @pattacini in #691
- Devel ergocub sn002 by @pattacini in #692
New Contributors
- @SanLordKevin made their first contribution in #686
Full Changelog: v2.6.3...v2.7.0
What's Changed
- Remove ergocub xml leftovers by @pattacini in #654
- [ergoCubSN001] Update calibrators for right arm and legs by @S-Dafarra in #655
- [ergoCub002] Update the robot configuration files by @GiulioRomualdi in #656
- [ergoCubSN002] Increase the low level frequency to 1kHz by @GiulioRomualdi in #657
- [ergoCubSN001] New left shoulder roll calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #658
- Add the fast-pace local workflow by @pattacini in #659
- Devel ergo cub sn001 by @pattacini in #660
- Devel ergo cub sn002 by @pattacini in #661
- Remove all the embObjPSC and embObjMultiEnc references by @Nicogene in #662
- Devel ergo cub sn001 by @pattacini in #664
- Devel ergo cub sn002 by @pattacini in #665
- [ergoCubSN000] Ready to use temperature sensors by @AntonioConsilvio in #666
- Fixed typo in local-workflow-tech by @S-Dafarra in #667
- Rename alljoints-inertials port to avoid using portprefix by @martinaxgloria in #669
- Devel ergo cub sn002 by @pattacini in #670
- Added post-commit hook to add robot tag to commit by @S-Dafarra in #671
- Removed network files for updating the 2foc-special fw on ergocub SN001 and SN002 by @valegagge in #672
- Disable FT sensors on R1SN001 by @fbrand-new in #674
New Contributors
- @fbrand-new made their first contribution in #674
Full Changelog: v2.6.2...v2.6.3
What's Changed
- [ergoCubSN001] Change the version of the BAT and BMS by @GiulioRomualdi in #634
- [ergoCubSN00*] Fix attach and detach level in rgbdSensor_nws_yarp by @martinaxgloria in #635
- IMU sensors: add sensorName tag in FT IMU xml by @martinaxgloria in #637
- [ergoCubSN001] Right middle finger new calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #638
- added waist imu inertials by @SimoneMic in #639
- IMU sensors - Include alljoints-inertials_wrapper/remapper in YRI xml files by @martinaxgloria in #640
- [ergoCubSN002] Updating configuration files after robot testing by @AntonioConsilvio in #642
- [ergoCubSN002] Update the joint calibrations by @GiulioRomualdi in #644
- Cleanup yarprobotinterface conf files for ergoCub by @traversaro in #645
- Reinstate slow wrapper for ergocub head by @pattacini in #647
- Disable parts of ergoCub relying on
option by @pattacini in #648 - added ros2 nws for the battery to R1SN003 by @ste93 in #649
- [ergoCubSN002] Tune the velocity-acceleration KF on the ergoCubSN002 on the legs torso and arms (no wrist) by @GiulioRomualdi in #650
- [ergoCubSN001] New wrists and torso pitch calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #651
- [ergoCubSN001] Enabling index adduction by @AntonioConsilvio in #653
- ergoCubSN001 002- update network file by @davidetome in #652
Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.6.2
v2.6.1 – SN003 iCubLondon01
This release contains the configuration files plus the reports of the SN003 iCubLondon01 robot 🤖 after maintenance.
The main report is contained in the HTML file.
The further archived file contains ancillary data used to generate the main report.
What's Changed
- [ergoCubSN001] Enable the temperature control for the robot legs and torso by @GiulioRomualdi in #621
- The
board usesICC
to move the wrist ofergoCub
by @marcoaccame in #623 - Update rotor-stator offset for r_hip_roll by @MSECode in #624
- iCub Genova03 config update + index finger fix by @MissingSignal in #625
- [iCubGenova11] Fix IMU config and new right thumb oppose calib by @AntonioConsilvio in #626
- [iCubGenova11] Fix strain2 firmware version after update by @martinaxgloria in #627
- [eCubSN002] Update configuration files after test by @AntonioConsilvio in #629
- Update the calibrators for ergoCubSN001 (right arm and right hip roll) by @GiulioRomualdi in #630
- ergoCub1.1-SN001: fixed wrists by @marcoaccame in #631
- Add alljoints-inertials_wrapper/remapper to expose IMU orientation measurements by @martinaxgloria in #632
- [iCubLondon01] Updating Configuration Files by @AntonioConsilvio in #633
New Contributors
- @MissingSignal made their first contribution in #625
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.6.1
What's Changed
- wrist mk2.1 configuration files used for ROM tests by @simeonedussoni in #594
- [ergoCubSN00x] Hip Roll maxOutput tuning by @AntonioConsilvio in #593
- Replace embObjInertials w/ embObjIMU by @Nicogene in #540
- [iCubErzelli01] New calibration values by @AntonioConsilvio in #596
- Feature/temperature reading by @MSECode in #597
- [ergoCubSN001] Enable lowerarm and more by @AntonioConsilvio in #598
- Add friction + coulomb + threshold parameters by @sgiraz in #599
- Add custom positions for balancing on single half foot by @isorrentino in #600
- [ergoCubSN001] Fix values of custom positions for balancing on half foot by @isorrentino in #601
- configured skin on right and left arm - ergocub SN0001 by @simeonedussoni in #602
- [ergoCubSN001] Fix skin configuration files after tests and left hip roll rotor-stator calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #604
- [ergoCubSN001] FTs and AMOs enabling by @AntonioConsilvio in #605
- Feature/fw updater bat by @MSECode in #603
- [ergoCubSN001] Enabling AMO on the right shoulder by @AntonioConsilvio in #607
- [ergoCubSN001] Add applications in the extra folder by @GiulioRomualdi in #608
- [iCubGenova11] Publish Euler angles from IMU on rfe by @martinaxgloria in #609
- [ergoCubSN001] Update wbd configuration file to enable the usage of arms FT by @GiulioRomualdi in #610
- update lego-setup-amc2c config files by @sgiraz in #611
- [ergoCubSN00x] Change CAN communication time by @AntonioConsilvio in #612
- ergoCubSN00*: Fix name of waist_imu_0 sensor in real robots and imuFrameName in wbd files by @traversaro in #614
- [iCubGenova11] Add config files for FT IMUs of the arms by @martinaxgloria in #615
- [ergoCubSN002] New configuration folder by @AntonioConsilvio in #617
- [iCubNancy01] New calibration values by @AntonioConsilvio in #618
- [ergoCubSN001] Add a head-mc network wrapper a lower streaming frequency by @GiulioRomualdi in #616
- [ergoCubSN001] New Hip Rolls calibration values by @AntonioConsilvio in #620
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.6.0
What's Changed
- [ergoCubSN000] Update the configuration files for the shipping the robot to Monte Porzio by @GiulioRomualdi in #592
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.5.2
What's Changed
- [iCubErzelli02] New configuration files by @AntonioConsilvio in #565
- [ergoCubSN001] Configuration files alignment with ergoCubSN000 by @AntonioConsilvio in #566
- [ergoCubSN001] Rotor-Stator offset values for legs joints by @AntonioConsilvio in #567
- ergoCubSN001 - neck files updated by @davidetome in #564
- Fix ergoCub wrist gear ratios by @pattacini in #570
- Update maintained robots to the use of multipleanalogsensorsserver by @davidetome in #568
- [ergoCubSN000] Update the configuration file to be alligned with the IIT 20y demo by @GiulioRomualdi in #571
- Add battery configuration files by @MSECode in #572
- Update ergocubSN000 battery conf files by @MSECode in #573
- Fix wrong coefficients coupling the eyes' vergence by @martinaxgloria in #574
- [ergoCubSN001] Updates config files for the new 2FOC FW version (V3.6) by @AntonioConsilvio in #575
- [ergoCubSN00x] New home positions by @AntonioConsilvio in #576
- [ergoCubSN000] New incremental calibration for torso joints by @AntonioConsilvio in #577
- Updated mechanical file in iCubTemplateV6_0 with the ergoCub wrist constraint by @valegagge in #578
- Add lego_setup_amc2c config files by @sgiraz in #579
- Update template v6 with battery info by @MSECode in #580
- [ergoCubSN001] update all configuration files after testing by @AntonioConsilvio in #581
- Fix wrong eyes joints names of several robots by @xEnVrE in #583
- [ergoCubSN001] Update the configuration files to use WBD by @GiulioRomualdi in #584
- [iCubGenova11] Left thumb oppose new calibration value by @AntonioConsilvio in #585
- ergoCubSN001: fix cluster-config.xml by @Nicogene in #586
- Adding icubHalfie01 configuration by @lindalastrico in #587
- [iCubGenova03] left index distal PID changing by @AntonioConsilvio in #588
- update lego_setup_amc2c configurations by @sgiraz in #589
- remove the old am2c folder by @sgiraz in #590
- [ergoCubSN000] Update the cluster-config.xml and the custom positions by @GiulioRomualdi in #591
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
v2.5.0 – SN035 iCubSingapore01
This release contains the configuration files plus the reports of the SN035 iCubSingapore01 robot 🤖 after maintenance.
The main report is contained in the HTML file.
The further archived file contains ancillary data used to generate the main report.
What's Changed
- Update R1SN003 w/ new BAT device by @MSECode in #541
- Enable waist_imu on ergoCubSN000 by @martinaxgloria in #499
- ergoCub sn000 update hip pitch max by @pattacini in #543
- fixed gear ratio right shoulder roll by @pattacini in #546
- R1SN001: No PSC boards xml config file by @elandini84 in #544
- ergoCubSN000: update left right thumb oc position pids by @mfussi66 in #547
- ergocubsn000: update position pid of ring-pinkie open-close by @mfussi66 in #549
- ergoCub 1.0 S/N:000 – align config files with distro 2023.05.02 by @sgiraz in #542
- Update left arm calibration file for working with calibration type 14 by @MSECode in #548
- [ergoCubSN000] New right wrist calibration values by @AntonioConsilvio in #550
- [iCubGenova11] Left thumb distal new calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #551
- [iCubSingapore01] Updating Configuration Files by @AntonioConsilvio in #552
- fixed calibrator for CAN device by @davidetome in #553
- ergoCub000: Update right wrist calibration values by @mfussi66 in #554
- [iCubGenova11] Add yarprobotinterface configuration for ROS2 without legs by @xEnVrE in #555
- [iCubSingapore01] Fix Gearbox values by @AntonioConsilvio in #556
- [ergoCubSN000] New left ankle roll motor calibration by @AntonioConsilvio in #557
- Fix waist_imu conf files by @martinaxgloria in #558
- Wholebodydynamics and ros2 config file by @SimoneMic in #559
- Fix bug in wholebodydynamics config file for ergoCubSN000 by @isorrentino in #560
- Fix compatibility with FT sensors names in URDF in icub-models >= 2 by @traversaro in #562
- Harmonize ergocub FT sensor names with the one used in ergocub URDF by @traversaro in #561
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.5.0
What's Changed
- Robots Icebox by @pattacini in #533
- [iCubGenova11] fixed FT FW version by @pattacini in #534
- [ergocub] fixed FT FW version by @pattacini in #535
- Modifications on the hands config file of ergoCub by @S-Dafarra in #532
- iCubGenova09: Cleanup hardware electronics files to avoid warnings and errors related to a total cycle ems time of 1100 by @traversaro in #536
- [ergoCubSN000] Reenable the torso pitch, increases the joints limits of the shoulders pitch and the prevent fingers from overcurrent by @GiulioRomualdi in #537
- ergoCubSN000: update amcbldc version to 2.0.3 by @mfussi66 in #538
- ergoCubSN000: tune up position PID of index and middle fingers by @mfussi66 in #539
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
What's Changed
- Adding conf to arm bench setup for telemetry device dumper by @MSECode in #478
- [ergoCubSN000] Add hip FT sensors by @AntonioConsilvio in #484
- FT: replace analogServer (deprecated) with multipleanalogsensorsserver by @Nicogene in #482
- Dry-run errors – Stint 1 by @martinaxgloria in #486
- Made Dry-Run the official CI by @pattacini in #487
- [ergoCubSN000] New start-up positions by @AntonioConsilvio in #488
- Remove torso from iCubPisa01 cartesian by @martinaxgloria in #490
- Fixed files by @pattacini in #492
- Fixed files by @pattacini in #493
- Fixed files by @pattacini in #495
- Fixed files by @pattacini in #496
- Enable
in ci/dry-run by @pattacini in #497 - Make BUILD_TESTING OFF by default by @traversaro in #498
- Change display variable in ergoCubSN000 cluster-config.xml by @martinaxgloria in #500
- [iCubLisboa01] New calibration for left forearm by @AntonioConsilvio in #501
- ergoCubSN000: modify alljoints-mc_remapper and torso-mc_remapper to not expose torso_pitch by @traversaro in #502
- [ergoCubSN000] added missing joints param by @pattacini in #503
- iCubWaterloo01: updated required FW versions for strain2 by @marcoaccame in #507
- [CI] Rely on YARP branch rather than release by @pattacini in #508
- Clean up
by @pattacini in #511 - ergoCub1.0 S/N:000 – Update and improve configuration files by @AntonioConsilvio in #512
- ergoCubSN000: Fix torso calibrator by @traversaro in #515
- Add streaming of ergoCub leg imus by @isorrentino in #513
- Migrate ergoCub FT to have one NWS for each part by @traversaro in #505
- ergoCubSN000: Add use of r_leg_ft_sensor and l_leg_ft_sensor and remove use of torso_pitch to align with ergocub-software model by @traversaro in #516
- [ergoCubSN000] Refining the functioning of the fingers by @AntonioConsilvio in #518
- ergocub: increase head pitch and roll position PID gains by @mfussi66 in #510
- [ergoCubSN001] New configuration folder by @AntonioConsilvio in #520
- [ergoCubSN000] Update the required firmware version of the strain2 by @GiulioRomualdi in #522
- Expose BMS on ergoCubSN000 via
by @martinaxgloria in #514 - ergoCub1.0 S/N000 – update left/right calib for startup and home position by @sgiraz in #524
- Added 3DMID configuration files in experimentalSetups by @simeonedussoni in #525
- Fixed dir name by @pattacini in #526
- Replace embObjStrain w/ embObjFTSensor by @Nicogene in #523
- Migrate iCub FT to have one NWS for each part by @Nicogene in #517
- iCubGenova11 - Update calibration of right thumb by @xEnVrE in #528
- iCubGenova11 - Add xml configuration for the RealSense D405 by @xEnVrE in #529
- added configuration for launching ros2 sensors wrappers by @SimoneMic in #530
- iCubGenova11 - Calibrate right thumb by @xEnVrE in #531
New Contributors
- @isorrentino made their first contribution in #513
- @SimoneMic made their first contribution in #530
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.3.0