Releases: robotology/walking-teleoperation
walking-teleoperation (2024/12/02)
What's Changed
- Added configuration files for ergocub sn 001 by @S-Dafarra in #140
- Use ffmpeg connections by @S-Dafarra in #141
- Fix Haptic glove transmission - HapticGloveModule (Recovered PR) by @EhsanRanjbari in #143
- Add VectorCollectionServer to dump the desired/feedback joint/axis values by @S-Dafarra in #144
- Reduce compilation warnings by @S-Dafarra in #146
- Cdp demo by @S-Dafarra in #151
- Added explicit connection to IWear remapper in HapticGloveModule by @S-Dafarra in #148
- File modifications for the humanoids demo by @S-Dafarra in #152
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.3.5
walking-teleoperation (2023/11/15)
What's Changed
- Haptic glove module new features by @lrapetti in #124
- Added files for ergoCub and modified SRanipal to control the eyes tilt only by @S-Dafarra in #125
- Use ergoCub face expressions when opening and closing the eyes by @S-Dafarra in #127
- Smile on ergocub by @S-Dafarra in #128
- License the repo under the BSD-3-Clause license by @traversaro in #132
- Control the fingers and the walking through the OpenXR joystick by @S-Dafarra in #130
- Update transform server device by @S-Dafarra in #133
- updated name of the YARP port from HDE by @davidegorbani in #135
- Update of scripts and configuration files after demos by @S-Dafarra in #138
New Contributors
- @davidegorbani made their first contribution in #135
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
walking-teleoperation (2023/02/24)
What's Changed
- Add mantainers by @traversaro in #117
- Update the application for the Los Angeles finals by @GiulioRomualdi in #115
- Using IPreciselyTimed instead of PreciselyTimed. by @S-Dafarra in #118
- Fix face module by @S-Dafarra in #119
- Changed OpenXr text message configuration by @S-Dafarra in #120
- Usability improvements by @S-Dafarra in #121
- Allow toggling the visibility of GUIs by blinking by @S-Dafarra in #122
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
walking-teleoperation (2022/10/13)
What's Changed
- Rimini demo changes by @S-Dafarra in #103
- Added config files for HapticGloveModule for iCubGazeboV3 by @EhsanRanjbari in #104
- Avoid to use the XsensRetargetingModule in the Xprize-KynDynRetargeting.xml application by @GiulioRomualdi in #105
- Remove deprecated parameters in iWearRemapper by @lrapetti in #106
- Remove unused field in HapticGloveModule actuator msg by @RiccardoGrieco in #107
- Finals application refactoring by @RiccardoGrieco in #111
- Improve skin retargeting by @lrapetti in #109
- Merge xprize finals code by @RiccardoGrieco in #108
New Contributors
- @EhsanRanjbari made their first contribution in #104
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
walking-teleoperation (2022/07/05)
walking-teleoperation (2022/27/05)
What's Changed
- Update project version in CMakeLists by @kouroshD in #80
- Avoid the virtualizer to stop if the ring moves too fast by @S-Dafarra in #85
- Add Haptic Glove Module by @kouroshD in #72
- Feature/communication values by @kouroshD in #87
- Add iCubErzelli iCub2.7 Robot Appilication files to the walking teleoperation by @kouroshD in #89
- Fix Utils compilation on windows by @S-Dafarra in #90
- Add gaze tracking to SRanipalModule by @S-Dafarra in #82
- Added configuration to show labels on the headset by @S-Dafarra in #91
- Xprize Semifinals testing yarpmanager application files updates by @kouroshD in #88
- Eyes tracking hysteresis by @S-Dafarra in #92
- Virtualizer velocity deadzone by @S-Dafarra in #94
- Fix deprecations of yarp methods by @S-Dafarra in #97
- Merge devel into master by @S-Dafarra in #99
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
walking-teleoperation (2021-12-06)
walking-teleoperation (2021-12-06) Release Notes
New features
- add facial expression module
- add new policies for teleoperation of robot base using the virtualizer information
- add iFeel option for retargeting to the teleoperation setup
- add the possibility to use htc-vive OpenXr in OculusModule
- add subgroups to the yarpmanager application files
- add TransformServer application to yarpmanager application
- add SRanipal module to the list of walking-teloperation modules
- add rpc server to the oculus module to control finite state machine
- use transform server to publish virtualizer frame transformation
- update dependencies documentation
- update virtualizer configuration file locations
- remove torso retargeting
- update yarpmanager application files
Bug Fixes
- bug fix for checking the window size in Utils
- fix the open of the orientation port in virtualizer module
- fix the inclusion of the hde thrift msgs
- bug fixes for joypad device parameters, camCalibWithPose imu option
- remove head initialization when using xsens retargeting
- add wrist joints list for Xsens/iFeel joint retargeting
- fix initialization of parameters in oculus module
- allow the Oculus retargeting to start also without joypads
This is a list of people that contributed to this release (generated from the git history using git shortlog -ens --no-merges v1.1.0..v1.2.0
walking-teleoperation (2021-03-03) ANA Avatar XPRIZE Video Demo (Feb 2021)
walking-teleoperation (2021-03-03) Release Notes
This Release was used for the preparation of the ANA Avatar XPRIZE video shooting on February 2021.
New features
- Updates related to the new Cyberith Virtualizer
- Add audio retargeting
- Add option for the glove usage to the oculus module
- Update Cyberith device dependency
- Reset iCub camera (for colour calibration) at startup of the Oculus module
- Add stop walking option in the oculus module
- Add
and the possibility to use it with iCub3
*Add configuration information for visualization of the icub on oculus headset
This is a list of people that contributed to this release (generated from the git history using git shortlog -ens --no-merges v1.0.0..v1.1.0
4 Kourosh Darvish
3 Giulio Romualdi
2 Stefano Dafarra
1 Silvio Traversaro
walking-teleoperation (2021-02-15)
walking-teleoperation (2021-02-15) Release Notes
New features
- Documentation update
- kinematic scaling for task-space retargeting
- Add CI
- Add Logger to oculus module
- Add Xsens Retargeting Module
- Add backward and in-place rotation for walking
Bug Fixes
- Windows bug fixes
- Smooth preparation of neck joints
- Problem Fix for shoulder mismatch when rotating
This is a list of people that contributed to this release (generated from the git history using git shortlog -ens --no-merges v0.2.0..v1.0.0
40 Kourosh Darvish
3 GiulioRomualdi
1 Silvio Traversaro
walking-teleoperation (2020-01-27)
walking-teleoperation (2020-01-27) Release Notes
The first implementation of the walking-teleoperation
Bug Fixes
- Oculus headset transformations
- fix and clean up the config files
- fix yarpmanager applications
This is a list of people that contributed to this release (generated from the git history using git shortlog -ens --no-merges v0.1.0..v0.2.0
20 Giulio Romualdi
1 Daniele Pucci