- 🏫 Course Methodology
- 💻 Required Hardware and Software
- 🗓️ Schedule
- 💡 Tips and Tricks
- 🎓 Post-Course
- 📚 General Resources
- 4.1: Intro to Logic
- 4.2: Pseudo-Code, Boolean Or
- 4.3: Boolean AND, NOT
- 4.4: Input Validation
- Additional Resources 4
- 8.1: Intro to GitHub
- 8.2: GitHub Fork and Clone
- 8.3: GitHub Pull Request
- 8.4: GitHub Repo Browsing
- 8.5: Deployment
- Additional Resources 8
- 10.1 HTML
- 10.2: CSS
- 10.3: The Document Object Model
- 10.4: DOM Manipulation
- 10.5: Advanced Debugging with Sources Tab
- 1. Basic File and Data Manipulation
- 2. Functions
- 3. If Statements, Boolean Or, Boolean And
- 4. Program State
- 5. Loops
- 6: Arrays and Loops