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New translations congregation.json (Slovenian)
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sws2apps-admin authored and rhahao committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 13d4bbf commit ff47ef7
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 29 deletions.
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions src/locales/sl-SI/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,39 +226,39 @@
"tr_disqualify": "Disqualify",
"tr_moved": "Preseljen",
"tr_qualifyAgain": "Qualify again",
"tr_privileges": "Privileges",
"tr_enrollments": "Enrollments",
"tr_privileges": "Posebne naloge",
"tr_enrollments": "Vpisi",
"tr_hallA": "A",
"tr_hallB": "B",
"tr_assigment": "Assigment",
"tr_assigment": "Dodelitev",
"tr_markDisqualifiedDesc": "Disqualified persons cannot participate in meeting parts until re-qualified.",
"tr_disqualified": "Disqualified",
"tr_timeAwayAddedSuccess": "Time away added",
"tr_timeAwayAddedSuccessDesc": "Thanks for keeping your availability up-to-date",
"tr_appointSubstituteSpeaker": "Appoint a substitution for visiting speakers",
"tr_displayWSConductorSubstitutions": "Display Watchtower study conductor substitutions in the schedule",
"tr_displayWSConductorDesc": "For dates when the main conductor is away or sick",
"tr_repeatedMonthlyWarning": "Show repeated assignment warning – monthly",
"tr_repeatedMonthlyWarningDesc": "This person already has an assignment this month",
"tr_mainStudyConductor": "Main study conductor",
"tr_monthsPeriod": "{{ MonthCount }} months",
"tr_congregationInfo": "Congregation info",
"tr_speakers": "Speakers",
"tr_publicTalks": "Talks",
"tr_otherCongregations": "Other congregations",
"tr_yourOutgoingSpeakers": "Your outgoing speakers",
"tr_discoverableSetting": "Make your congregation discoverable in Organized",
"tr_discoverableSettingDesc": "Allow other congregations on Organized to find your congregation by name or number and send a request for your outgoing speakers list",
"tr_addCongregation": "Add congregation",
"tr_deleteCongregation": "Delete congregation",
"tr_publicTalksLong": "Public talks",
"tr_songs": "Songs",
"tr_whoHasAccess": "Who has access",
"tr_noSpeakersYet": "No outgoing speakers yet. Add them by editing your list.",
"tr_noCongregationsYetInfo": "You haven’t added any congregations yet. Add one to see their speakers list and use it in schedules.",
"tr_congregationInOrganized": "Congregation in Organized",
"tr_addManually": "Add manually",
"tr_searchCongregation": "Search congregation",
"tr_timeAwayAddedSuccess": "Čas odsotnosti dodan",
"tr_timeAwayAddedSuccessDesc": "Hvala, ker si posodobil svojo razpoložljivost",
"tr_appointSubstituteSpeaker": "Izberi zamenjavo za gostujočega govornika",
"tr_displayWSConductorSubstitutions": "V razporedu prikaži brate, ki lahko nadomestijo vodja preučevanja Stražnega stolpa",
"tr_displayWSConductorDesc": "Za datume, ko je glavni vodja odsoten ali bolan",
"tr_repeatedMonthlyWarning": "Pokaži opozorilo o ponavljajočih se nalogah – mesečno",
"tr_repeatedMonthlyWarningDesc": "Ta oseba že ima nalogo v tem mesecu",
"tr_mainStudyConductor": "Glavni vodja preučevanja",
"tr_monthsPeriod": "{{ MonthCount }} mesecev",
"tr_congregationInfo": "Informacije o občini",
"tr_speakers": "Govorniki",
"tr_publicTalks": "Govori",
"tr_otherCongregations": "Druge občine",
"tr_yourOutgoingSpeakers": "Bratje iz vaše občine, ki lahko imajo govore v drugih občinah",
"tr_discoverableSetting": "Omogoči, da bodo lahko drugi našli vašo občino v aplikaciji Organized",
"tr_discoverableSettingDesc": "Omogoči drugim občinam, da bodo lahko v aplikaciji Organized našle vašo občino po imenu ali številki in poslale zahtevo za vaš seznam bratov, ki lahko imajo govore v drugih občinah",
"tr_addCongregation": "Dodaj občino",
"tr_deleteCongregation": "Izbriši občino",
"tr_publicTalksLong": "Javni govori",
"tr_songs": "Pesmi",
"tr_whoHasAccess": "Kdo ima dostop",
"tr_noSpeakersYet": "Še ni bratov, ki lahko imajo govore v drugih občinah. Dodaj jih tako, da urediš vaš seznam.",
"tr_noCongregationsYetInfo": "Še nisi dodal nobene občine. Dodaj eno, da vidiš njihov seznam govornikov in jo uporabiš v razporedih.",
"tr_congregationInOrganized": "Občina v aplikaciji Organized",
"tr_addManually": "Dodaj ročno",
"tr_searchCongregation": "Išči občino",
"tr_addOrganizedCongregationDesc": "Can’t find the congregation you’re looking for? Make sure they’ve made their congregation discoverable for others in Organized. Once they do this, you can request access to their outgoing speakers list through the app.",
"tr_addManualCongregationDesc": "Manually add a congregation that isn’t on Organized yet. Once they join the app, you can sync their outgoing speakers list.",
"tr_auxiliaryPioneersContinuous": "Auxiliary pioneers (serving continuously)",
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