WorldTools 1.2.4
What's Changed
- Enderchest caching support
- Persistent container caching (when you scan a container and come back later it wont be erased)
- Better disconnect handling: It will store as much as possible when disconnected. Please still manually stop the capture process.
- Custom world generator: Void, Flat and Normal (Select in settings)
- Accessibility: New Languages (thanks to @P529 for managing)!
- Thanks to Nasder (@121598pontopng) for providing Portuguese translation
- Thanks to Xrayessay (@xrayessay) and Negative_Entropy (@Entropy5) for providing Dutch translation
- Thanks to YoMoBoYo for ingenious Pirate Language in #24
- Container up-cycling: When merging with existing download it wont override non scanned chest contents
- Better setting structure with categories
- Fixed leaking map data captured outside of capture session
- Censoring of critical data like last player death location (change in settings)
- Capture timestamp for entities and chunks and other metadata
- Setting to hide annoying experimental world screen
- Fixed WorldTools branding
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.2.3+1.20.1...1.2.4+1.20.1