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Marcin Wieczorek edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 9 revisions

Having trouble configuring NovaGuilds?

If you don't know what something like: is:


First run!

The plugin will turn itself to FLAT storage (based on files), because it uses MySQL by default. Check your plugins/ directory, find NovaGuilds and edit config.yml. Toggle database type to SQLite if you don't want to use MySQL.

Storage and MySQL configuration

Available storage types: flat mysql sqlite
If primary storage type fails 3 times when connecting, secondary will turn itself on.
Use host: localhost if you're running MySQL server on your machine.

Example configuration:

 primary: mysql
 secondary: flat
 port: 3306
 database: myserverdatabase
 username: admin
 password: ngrulez123
 prefix: novaguilds_


Choose one of available translations listed in config and type it's name in, or create a custom one. All official translations can be automatically switched on when detected in Essentials' config.


This topic has it's own page:

Blocked commands

Add your blocked commands to region.blockedcmds. Every entry has to start with -.
Change it to blockedcmds: [] to disable.


denyinteract block right clicking chosen types of blocks
denymobdamage block hitting mobs
denyriding deny rightclicking (riding) mobs (using shears on sheep is disabled by default)

Mod Support

Entries described above allow you to add mod specific Entities and blocks to the plugin. WorldEdit provides command /info which you can use to check block type. You can now add blocks to denyinteract to protect them on regions.
Custom entities can be protected with packets.advancedentityuse, it's not always necessary though. That option overrides default entity interact mechanism. Flan's mod tanks, stationary guns and other entities might not work with packets.advancedentityuse disabled. Obviously packets.enabled must be true too. All you have to do is add entity name to denymobdamage and/or denyriding

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