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Marcin Wieczorek edited this page Apr 16, 2016 · 1 revision

In order do destroy a guild, you have to raid it until it loses all lives and gets destroyed.
Configuring raids we will work with raid: section in config.yml


First of all, two guilds need to have a war. It can be simply started with a command. The war is only the status.
To destroy a guild they have to raid each other.
Every guild has it's protection after being created (24h by default). After this time a raid can be started. A certain amount of players from defender guild have to be online, though when the raid starts and they log out, there's nothing to be done to prevent defeat. It can be set with minonline.
All the attackers need to do is stay on opponent's region until the raid finishes. If all of them get killed, the progress will reset. The BossBar will indicate the progress.
The vault can be destroyed with TNT only during raid.

How to disable raids?

enabled: false

Guild points for raid

After winning a raid certain amount of points is being transferred to the attacker guild.
pointstake: 100

Time required to finish a raid

If the multipler is set to 1.00 with one player attacking 100 seconds will be needed. With more players on guild's region it will take less time (It gets multiplied).
multipler: 1.00

Resting time

After a successful raid defender guild is resting for 24h by default. timerest: 24h

Raid timeout

When attackers retreat or get killed and no one is left the progress will reset. After some time the raid is over, defender is the winner obviously.
timeinactive: 30s


Players get extra points and money for PVP during raid.
It's +X% for each kill.

  money: 5
  points: 5
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