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Marcin Wieczorek edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Custom Translations

There are 6 translations for NovaGuilds - Polish, English, German, Dutch, French and Chinese. Since build 28 it is possible to change it's encoding. Default one is UTF-8. Feel free to copy one of translations, change it's name, edit it and enable it in the config. Also if your language is not supported by Essentials, please set overrideessentials to true.

Custom encoding

Add #ENCODING to the first line of your translation. Example: #UTF-8 or #GBK That string (without #) is used to get type from Java's Charset class.
All possibilities:


Please consider adding your translation to official version of NovaGuilds! Fork the repository, commit your translation and make a Pull Request.
The file name should be lowercase language abbreviation, like pl-pl for Polish.
Add your translation name to the config:

# =-=-= # =-=-=-= #
# Available langs #
# =-=-= # =-=-=-= #
# en-en # English #
# pl-pl # Polish  #

Remember to add the language name to file:

public enum Lang {

The syntax is quite simple. Replace the - with _. Leave the charset empty if your translation uses UTF-8

Language features not included in default message files:

Points gain on death

PLAYER_POINTS variable can be used for displaying points gain on kill.

Message's name in the file is broadcast.pvp.killed


Example: Player {TAG1}&c{PLAYER1} &4(-{PLAYER_POINTS}&4)&6 was slain by {TAG2}&c{PLAYER2} &4({PLAYER_POINTS}&4)&6

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