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Visual Studio Shortcuts

Kaisinel edited this page Jun 12, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • Ctrl + T- advanced search. For example- look for a field called Policies: m Policies.
  • Shift + F12- find all references
  • Ctrl + K, K- place bookmark
  • Ctrl + K, W- show bookmarks
  • Ctrl + Tab- navigate open files, VS windows
  • Ctrl + F4- close tab
  • Ctrl + Q- visual studio feature/settings search
  • Ctrl + I- search locally
  • Ctrl + F- search with options


  • Ctrl + ]- move to closing bracket
  • Alt + Shift + ]- select current scope
  • Alt + Shift + [- move to the start of upper scope
  • Alt + up or down- moves a line of code up or down


  • Ctrl + K, S- surround code with… For example a try catch block
  • Ctrl + K, C- bulk comment
  • Ctrl + K, U- bulk uncomment
  • Ctrl + K, D- format code
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt, click on multiple places in code and type something- simultaneously it will appear in multiple places.
  • Ctrl + R, R- rename- rename code element
  • F2- rename file


  • Ctrl + Shift + V- paste one of the last 15 copied in VS
  • Shift + Alt + Enter- full screen code editor


  • Shift + F11- go through the method
  • F11- go into
  • F10- go through
  • Ctrl + Shift + F5- stop debugging, rebuild and restart debugging