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Releases: deeptools/HiCExplorer

The documentation release

26 Apr 16:38
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The second bug fix release of 2.1 includes:

  • documentation improvements
  • fixing broken Readthedocs documentation
  • Small bug fix concerning hicPlotMatrix and cooler: --chromosomeOrder is now possible with more than one chromosome
  • Small fixes concerning updated dependencies: Fixing version number a bit more specific and not that strict in test cases delta values.

fix chromosome names in python3

27 Mar 07:46
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This release fixes a problem related to python3 in which chromosome names were of bytes type.

March release

05 Mar 20:14
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The 2.1 version of HiCExplorer comes with new features and bugfixes.

  • Adding the new feature hicAggregateContacts: A tool that allows plotting of aggregated Hi-C sub-matrices of a specified list of positions.
  • Many improvements to the documentation and the help text. Thanks to @GinaRe and @gtrichard.
  • hicPlotMatrix:
    • supports only bigwig files for an additional data track.
    • the argument --pca was renamed to --bigwig
    • Smoothing the bigwig values to neighboring bins if no data is present there
    • Fixes to a bug concerning a crash of tight_layout
    • Adding the possibility to flip the sign of the values of the bigwig track
    • Adding the possibility to scale the values of the bigwig track
  • hicPlotViewpoint: Adds a feature to plot multiple matrices in one image
  • cooler file format:
    • supports mcool files
    • applies correction factors if present
    • optionally reads bin['weight']
  • fixes:
    • a crash in hicPlotTads if horizontal lines were used
    • checks if all characters of a title are ASCII. If not they are converted to the closest looking one.
  • Updated and fixate version number of the dependencies

HiCExplorer 2.1 alpha

27 Feb 20:09
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HiCExplorer 2.1 alpha Pre-release

This pre-release contains:

  • many bugfixes
  • an improved documentation
  • the new feature hicAggregateContacts
  • support for mcool files

Winter release

28 Dec 18:16
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This release brings the following new features:

  • Python 3.6 support
  • cooler file format support
  • PCA computation for A / B compartment
  • visualizations of viewpoints
  • many bug fixes
  • change license to GPLv3

HiCExplorer 2. 0 release candidate 2

25 Dec 11:39
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Small improvements concerning matrix file format detection which makes it easier with Galaxy wrapper.

HiCExplorer 2.0 release candidate

21 Dec 20:54
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Release 2.0 will bring new features:

  • Python 3.6 support
  • cooler file format support
  • PCA computation for A / B compartment
  • visualizations of viewpoints
  • many bug fixes

dangling ends and supplementary alignments

27 Nov 11:25
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  • Thanks to Aleksander Jankowski for fixing the handling of chimeric alignments in hicBuildMatrix (PR #151). Now, for reads with supplementary alignments, only the alignment closer to the 5' end
    of the read is used.

  • We discovered that the handling of dangling ends was too strict as all reads starting with the dangling sequence were considered dangling ends (#152). However, a read frequently could start with the dangling sequence but otherwise have a mate from a proper Hi-C re-ligation. Thus, we now only count reads as 'dangling ends' if the mates are within the maximum library insert size distance, face inwards and one of them starts with the dangling sequence.

  • As part of this release we also improved the help message of hicBuildMatrix. For this, we replaced the --maxDistance parameter by --maxLibraryInsertSize, which should be based on the measured insert size of the Hi-C library.

Autumn release

06 Nov 14:11
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This release is adding new features and fixes many bugs:

  • hicBuildMatrix: Added multicore support, new parameters --threads and --inputBufferSize
  • hicFindTADs:
    • One call instead of two: hicFindTADs TAD_score and hicFindTADs find_TADs merged to hicFindTADs.
    • New multiple correction method supported: False discovery rate. Call it with --correctForMultipleTesting fdr and --threshold 0.05.
  • Update of the tutorial: mES-HiC analysis.
  • Additional test cases and docstrings to improve the software quality
  • Fixed a bug occurring with bigwig files with frequent NaN values which resulted in only NaN averages
  • hicPlotTADs: Support for plotting points
  • Moved galaxy wrappers to
  • Fixed multiple bugs with saving matrices
  • hicCorrelate: Changes direction of dendograms to left

Compressed matrices

03 Apr 09:44
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  • Various cleanups
  • Added option to plot bigwig files as a line in hicPlotTADs
  • Updated documentation
  • Improved hicPlotMatrix --region output
  • Added compressed matrices. In our tests the compressed matrices are significantly smaller.
  • hicPlotDistVsCount can now use multiple matrices
  • Galaxy wrapper enhancements