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Assets Cache Combine

Alex Prokopenko edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

Assets cache combine is a one of the steps to optimize your site. Each HTTP request from your web page (each stylesheet, image and javascript) takes time to connect to a server and download data. Typical WordPress site with several plugins has more than 20 different stylesheets and javascript libraries to be loaded on a page. This makes a big impact on page loading time.

The idea to collect all stylesheets (or javascripts) into on single file - called combine. After that they can be minified to reduce download time. And use cache headers to explain browser to cache these resources.

We recommend to use a 3rd-party plugin Autoptimize to combine your assets.

Unfortunately, you need to configure this plugin very carefully and not only inside admin panel. You can use Autoptimize framework extension to simplify your configuration.