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Data Models

ookhrimenko edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 8 revisions

Data models are used to get data, run queries with different parameters, and to separate application Data layer from View layer.

We recommend to keep Models small and group data functions in Models by such criteria:

  • The page, where these data queries used (example: Homepage).
  • The section of the site (example: Testimonials - can have methods, which are required in all blocks all over the site).

Models help us to keep templates clean from business logic and data queries.

Example: We have a list of partners on the Homepage (or list of Team members). In order not to overload our template code with writing WP_Query call, we move it to a separate object called Model.

Model classes have to extend Framework base Model class:

class MyModel extends \JustCoded\ThemeFramework\Object\Model {}

Framework base Model class defines magic __get(), __set() methods, which allow having aliases for methods to be used as properties.

Let's check an example of the whole Model class:

namespace Boilerplate\Theme\Models;

use JustCoded\WP\Framework\Objects\Model;
use Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type\Partner;

class Homepage extends Model {
	 * Get partners query to be used in home views inside the loop
	 * @return \WP_Query  query object to be used inside the loop
	public function get_partners() {
		return $this->wp_query( array(
			'post_type'      => Partner::$ID,
			'post_status'    => Partner::STATUS_PUBLISH,
			'order'          => Partner::SORT_DESC,
			'orderby'        => Partner::ORDERBY_DATE,
			'posts_per_page' => 4,
		), __METHOD__ );


Inside the template, we create an object of this class and then can use property alias $model->partners to get access to the created query:

/* @var \JustCoded\WP\Framework\Web\View $this */

use Boilerplate\Theme\Models\Homepage;

$this->extends( 'layouts/main' );
$model = new Homepage();

// ...

<?php while ( $model->partners->have_posts() ) : $model->partners->the_post(); ?>
	<?php $this->include( 'page/_front-hero' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>

// ...

WP_Query inside Models

There are 2 special methods to run WP_Query inside Models:

  • wp_query($params, __METHOD__) is used to create WP_Query object for simple queries without pagination. It also caches this query in parent Model class.
  • archive_query($params, __METHOD__) is used to create WP_Query with pagination support. It's good to use a static page as Custom Post Type archive.


namespace Boilerplate\Theme\Models;

use Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type\Employee;

class Employees extends \JustCoded\WP\Framework\Objects\Model {
	 * Get featured employees for sidebar box
	 * @return \WP_Query
	public function get_featured() {
		return $this->wp_query( array(
			'post_type'      => Employee::$ID,
			'post_status'    => Employee::STATUS_PUBLISH,
			'order'          => Employee::SORT_DESC,
			'orderby'        => Employee::ORDERBY_DATE,
			'tag'            => 'featured',
			'posts_per_page' => 4,
		), __METHOD__ );

	 * Get archive employees query, whic
	 * @return \WP_Query
	public function get_archive() {
		return $this->archive_query( array(
			'post_type'     => Employee::$ID,
			'post_status'   => Employee::STATUS_PUBLISH,
			'order'         => Employee::SORT_ASC,
			'orderby'       => Employee::ORDERBY_DATE,
		), __METHOD__ );

Next: Theme Functionality