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Post Types and Taxonomies

ookhrimenko edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 3 revisions

You can find a detailed documentation on Post type and Taxonomy components in Theme Framework documentation:

Post Type

To register a new Custom Post Type, you need to define a class, extended from Framework Post_Type:

namespace Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type;

use Boilerplate\Theme\Taxonomy\Department;
use JustCoded\WP\Framework\Objects\Post_Type;

class Employee extends Post_Type {
	 * ID
	 * @var string
	public static $ID = 'employee';

	 * Rewrite URL part
	 * @var string
	public static $SLUG = 'employee';

	 * Registration function
	public function init() {
		$this->label_singular = 'Employee';
		$this->label_multiple = 'Employees';
		$this->textdomain = 'boilerplate';

		$this->has_single       = true;
		$this->is_searchable    = true;
		$this->rewrite_singular = false;

		$this->is_hierarchical = false;

		$this->admin_menu_pos  = 25;
		$this->admin_menu_icon = 'dashicons-format-gallery';

		$this->taxonomies = array(


After that you need to create an instance of this class inside Theme::register_post_types() method:

namespace Boilerplate\Theme;

use Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type\Employee;

class Theme extends \JustCoded\WP\Framework\Theme {
	// ...
	 * Register post types
	public function register_post_types() {


To register a new Taxonomy, you need to define a new class, extended from the Framework Taxonomy:

namespace Boilerplate\Theme\Taxonomy;

use JustCoded\WP\Framework\Objects\Taxonomy;
use Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type\Employee;

class Department extends Taxonomy {
	 * ID
	 * @var string
	public static $ID = 'department';

	 * Rewrite URL part
	 * @var string
	public static $SLUG = 'department';

	 * Registration function
	public function init() {
		$this->label_singular = 'Department';
		$this->label_multiple = 'Departments';
		$this->textdomain     = 'boilerplate';

		$this->is_hierarchical  = false;
		$this->has_single       = true;
		$this->rewrite_singular = false;

		$this->has_admin_menu = true;

		$this->post_types = array(


After that you need to create an instance of this class inside Theme::register_post_types() method:

namespace Boilerplate\Theme;

use Boilerplate\Theme\Post_Type\Employee;

 * Theme main entry point
 * Theme setup functions, assets, post types, taxonomies declarations
class Theme extends \JustCoded\WP\Framework\Theme {
	// ...
	 * Register post types
	public function register_taxonomies() {

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